
What is it with people getting invited to weddings and not getting a plus one?

Especially if you’re getting invited to your own sister’s wedding…

Yeah, that’s kind of weird.

But here we are, folks!

Check out this story from Reddit’s “Am I the A**hole?” page and see if you think this guy is out of line for how he reacted to his sister’s wedding rules.

AITA for refusing to attend my sister’s wedding because she didn’t invite my girlfriend?

“My sister, 36, is getting married on September 3rd. She has known her fiancé for 3 years.

My girlfriend, 38, and I ,44, have been together for almost 11 years. We have been living together for 8 years and we’re expecting although it’s too early so we haven’t told anyone yet.

My sister made it clear that she wanted an intimate wedding (60 guests) and since my gf isn’t wife she didn’t consider her family. My first reaction was that it’s fine since its her wedding so I didn’t RSPV. She called me to ask why I didn’t and tbh I was confused but it turned out she wanted me in the wedding but not my gf.

I told her to forget about it and she was crying and raging since I’m her only brother and since dad isn’t in the picture I’m supposed to be the one giving her away. I said a firm no (even if my gf said she didn’t mind that)

Yesterday she texted me and my gf that its FINE we could come both of us. My gf looked so sad but she said it’s up to me. So I texted back that we’re not coming.

Now every family member call me or text me to tell me I’m an AH for breaking my little sister’s heart. I texted my uncle who is invited to the wedding to walk my sister and he was glad to do it. Still everyone is livid


Check out what people had to say on Reddit.

One person said he’s NTA and that this behavior was rude.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Another Reddit user made a good point about the guest list…

Photo Credit: Reddit

And this individual also said he’s NTA and that they should have allowed for an extra person to come.

Photo Credit: Reddit

What do you think about this story?

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