
It’s easy to fall into the trap of identifying some bygone era as “the good ol’ days.” 

But it’s important to remember that that classification is entirely subjective. Often the times we yearn for seem simpler just because we were younger and had fewer responsibilities – or maybe we just lived in a bit of a bubble.

There’s certainly never been a time when everything was great for everyone. But knowing that doesn’t seem to stop us pining over the little fixtures of our past, because dang it, there’s just something so comforting about them.

15. Look it up!

I myself barely remember this – by the time I was learning how to navigate a library the lookups were mostly computerized.

Who remembers looking through the card catalog to find a book?
byu/timmorris82 innostalgia

14. That’s entertainment

Dust-collecting machines, these bad boys were.

Entertainment cabinets, the click sound it would make after closing
byu/dannydevitosmgnmdong innostalgia

13. Absolute legends

How to build, how to paint, how to read, how to be yourself.

Legends of PBS
byu/blueyestudios innostalgia

12. Some serious dedication

The haphazard stickers all around are a nice touch.

Remade my room from the 90s in a 3D-software, as I remembered it.
byu/Marste15 innostalgia

11. Take it away, the paper

Practicing cursive on these made you feel so sophisticated.

Elementary School Paper
byu/Lawless660071st innostalgia

10. Wild in the sheets

How could you even sleep surrounded by all that excitement?

Visiting home and Mom busts out my sheets from 1986
byu/rockland211 innostalgia

9. See deese?

We all nearly died a hundred times trying to flip through these in the passenger seat while driving.

CD Wallets… I know they’re still around, but 90s nostalgia.
byu/sasberg1 innostalgia

8. The glamour of Hollywood

I don’t know if these carpets were meant to distract from stains or just make you dizzy or what.

90’s movie theaters 🎥🍿
byu/Da3Latino innostalgia

7. Fancy feasts

Looking this up right now, these little cakes cos like five bucks. Back then they were maybe $2.
Don’t be fooled by the fanciness of ads.

Viennetta, the ice cream that I knew my family couldn’t afford
byu/RogerDat143 innostalgia

6. Jonathan Hyde

He can’t hyde from us much longer.

Actor Jonathan Hyde, a staple of fun 90s movies (Pictured: Richie Rich, Jumanji, Titanic, and The Mummy)
byu/kelanesn innostalgia

5. Fisher Price kids

So fascinating and so boring at the same time.

Fisher Price Farm
byu/Person2201 innostalgia

4. Master splinter

Looking coozier than ever.

🔥 sweater my grandma sewed for me in the early 90s
byu/kirkodactyl innostalgia

3. Make it a Blockbuster night

I had the pleasure of working there just before they closed down.

I truly miss rental stores
byu/TrashcanQT innostalgia

2. Cut the cord

I’m just now realizing how much work it would take to explain this to a Zennial.

Anyone else want to bring back kitchen phones with the 10 ft cord?
byu/bringmedeadroses innostalgia

1. Animation takeover

It was truly a renaissance.

I miss this Cartoon Network
by innostalgia

Maybe those were the good ol’ days after all.

What are you most nostalgic for right now?

Tell us in the comments.