
Change is hard.

Change is especially difficult for a delightful senior pug named Charleston Chew.

This 12-year-old fellow has cataracts, leaving him blind. When his mom moved to a new apartment, Charleston was quite stressed and tended to howl when he couldn’t find his mother. Naturally, his mom didn’t want to irritate her new neighbors, so she posted an explanation of her situation, which one of her neighbors posted on Twitter:

Photo Credit: Twitter

“I’m an old man now, with cataracts, and sometimes I get real scared because I can’t see where I am and can’t find my mom,” says the note.


Naturally, this charming post went viral. Many posted their sympathy with Charleston’s predicament as well as adorable pics of their own senior pups.

Photo Credit: Twitter

Since the viral tweet, Charleston and his mom have moved to another apartment with more room and more carpet to absorb the sound.

Photo Credit: Twitter

You can follow Charleston on Twitter to keep tabs on how this very good boy is doing.

UPDATE: Really sad news to share about Charleston…

And then this update was posted: