
Funny. Random. That just about sums up this photo list.

Oh, and one more thing. You will laugh.

OH…you will laugh.

1. Pallin’ around

Photo Credit: Reddit

2. Hahahaha

Photo Credit: Reddit

3. This moves me

Photo Credit: Reddit

4. Look at that action

Photo Credit: Reddit

5. Brought to tears

Photo Credit: Reddit

6. Awwwww. Oh, wait…

Photo Credit: Reddit

7. I need one of these

Photo Credit: Reddit

8. Nerd alert

Photo Credit: Reddit

9. Baby G

Photo Credit: Reddit

10. A new kind of superhero

Photo Credit: Reddit

11. Okay, thanks

Photo Credit: Reddit

12. Here it comes

Photo Credit: Reddit

13. What in the …?

Photo Credit: Reddit

14. Light it up, Vader

Photo Credit: Reddit

15. Incredible

Photo Credit: Reddit

16. Well-executed idea

Photo Credit: Reddit

17. You little…

Photo Credit: Reddit

18. You can’t stop them

Photo Credit: Reddit

19. Nailed it

Photo Credit: Reddit

20. Just say no to smoking alcohol

Photo Credit: Reddit

Guffaw! Guffaw! Guffaw! Guffaw! (That was you laughing).