I know it can seem like time moves too fast and you don’t have time to turn things around in your life, but you always have time! No matter how old you are! So if you’ve been determined to make some changes and achieve big goals, maybe these stories will inspire you! Take a look! 1. Keep moving! It’s good for you! It’s never...
Okay moms, it’s your time to shine! Because we’re about to get hit upside the head with some hilarious tweets about the mom game! Have some laughs on them! 1. Chip off the old block. Good for her! if you ask my daughter about her school day, she only talks about her meals and snacks. i’m really so proud. — Lil Bit ? October...
There’s a certain type of humor that just comes naturally to dads… I think a switch flips in their heads once they have kids and they all just…kind of act the same. Which is great news for those of us that like to laugh at all things dad-related! Take a look at what I’m talking about! 1. This look familiar. You know it...
We’re here to make you laugh… That’s our Number One mission in life! In fact, it’s really the only thing that brings us pleasure in life. And these posts you’re about to see… Forget about it! These are some really darn good ones! We’re very confident that you’re going to laugh HARD. Are you ready to...
When I was a little kid, I was convinced, CONVINCED, that my dog Quincy was going to learn to talk one day How could he not? We were so close and connected and he obviously understood what I was saying all the time, so what was the holdup? Well, sadly, Quincy never did learn to talk and I’m still not over it all these years later. But the...
We all love our pets and are willing to pamper them way more than they probably need. And companies know it. Last month Anheuser-Busch announced a new product, Dog Brew, and they’re looking for a dog to be the “Chief Tasting Officer” for the new canine beverage. What exactly is Dog Brew, you ask? According to the company’s...
There aren’t too many positive stories out there when it comes to parents who are incarcerated. We think about the poor kids they left behind, the families they left in the lurch, and also the people who are left hurting because of the crimes they committed in the first place. That said, the stated goal of the prison system in the United...
Sometimes, the actions that we take impact others on a level that we can never fully comprehend or understand, or even know about. When you perform an act of kindness for someone else, the goal is to alleviate the suffering of that person. You don’t always get to find out how that person’s story ended up, or if they even remember the...
It’s no secret that the younger generations are on a bit of a struggle bus right now as compared to how their parents and grandparents were doing at their age. The economy is turning, social norms are shifting constantly, and going back and comparing life points to those who came before is…frankly kind of hilarious. Which is probably...