
Another day, another “Karen.”

Amber Lynn Gilles, an anti-mask wearer from San Diego, thought she would shame a Starbucks employee when she posted his image to Facebook with a story of how her rights were being violated when he refused to let her into the store during the COVID-19 pandemic without a mask.

The worker, Lenin Gutierrez, was merely following store protocol when Gilles came in. She made a scene and threatened to bring the cops and a medical exemption next time she passed through.

Her post garnered the opposite response from people across social media—she was seen as the villain. Soon, people posted about her anti-vax and racist views.

Someone set up a GoFundMe for Lenin, who received a whopping $100,000 when the story went viral.


Not shockingly, Gilles wants half the money saying,

“It was discrimination and everybody is okay with it and enabling and rewarding that behavior…I feel like I need the apology.

I’ve been discriminated against, I’m the one who’s sick.”

Yes, she still insists that she has medical reasons for not wearing the mask, which include symptoms such as shortness of breath, dizziness, irregular heartbeat, asthma and mask-acne. She also said that she has proof of her medical issues in documents from a 2016 pelvic exam in which an ovarian cyst was discovered and in a note from a chiropractor. Also, Gilles says she’s going to sue Gutierrez for half his GoFund Me cash and that she has spoken to lawyers, but they’re all too expensive, so she’s started a GoFundMe to be able to pay them.


Well, enjoy your money, Lenin!