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What you’re about to see might just change your perception of how the mind of a teenager works.
Yes, I realize that, if you’re older, you were once a teenager yourself…
But as we age we tend to think that the generations that come after us just aren’t that bright or funny.
And it’s not true!
Kids will be kids and teenagers will always be funny in my book! There’s just something about their brains that makes them see the world differently and I think it’s great!
Enjoy these funny tweets from teens and have a few laughs!
1. Jessica…take it easy.
Just trying to conduct a little business here…
i’m just trying to look at my phone bill and Jessica thinks i’m gassing her up
— sam (@drkeeg) October 25, 2017
2. Mom likes to party.
And she might start showing YOU up on campus.
My mom dropped me off today for College freshman orientation and she sends me this… #TXST21
— rosé (@Avery_Leilani) June 20, 2017
3. This is what I want in life.
That’s it. Nothing else.
My dad bought a snorkel for the sole purpose of taking naps in the pool
— Skyler Euper (@skyler_euper) June 24, 2017
4. He loves that tiny bed.
What a good boy!
so my mom accidentally ordered an xs dog bed but he's still grateful..
— pae❁ (@paetonmathes) April 11, 2017
5. Stop right there!
I could see how this would be kind of annoying.
6. Oh, Diego…you blew it!
Time to go have a long talk with your teacher.
"How's your day going?"
— Diego (@TheDiegoFranco) May 8, 2017
7. Your mind is blown.
And, frankly, so is mine…
Im in class and i just realized at one point in our lives, our parents put us down and never picked us up again…..
— YaLocalWhiteBoy (@NoHoesGeorge) October 24, 2017
8. Why won’t you listen to me, Mom???
This is a major problem with parents, isn’t it?
my mother didn't believe me when I said everyone else in my class also fail the maths test but she believes in this whatsapp video that says showering after 11pm will get cancer
— leong mun wai fan account (no longer ironic) (@jackyngcomedy) May 12, 2019
9. A lot happened in those years…
What’ll your next look be?
freshman year vs senior year
— k (@sansacstark) May 21, 2019
10. Time well spent!
That’s pretty damn impressive!
Today in calculus a kid in my class spent the whole period plotting points on his calculator to draw my teacher😂😂😂😂
— Zach Krone (@zachkrone18) October 3, 2017
11. Yes, you are!
That is hilarious.
michael cera is trending so i’d like to make it publicly known that i am his doppelgänger
— naomi (@nayohmee) August 6, 2019
12. The statue of Mona Lisa! Ok, it’s a joke… get it???
when you realize the statue of mona lisa looks like keith urban 😳
— branford II (@DlCKSLEXIC) October 30, 2016
Those little whipper-snappers sure are funny!
Now we want to keep the laughs a’ rollin’!
In the comments, tell us about the funniest things you’ve seen young people do and say lately.
Let’s give these funny kids the credit they deserve!