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I need a laugh and I need one right now, godda**it!
And lucky for me, the batch of tweets below are F-U-N-N-Y.
Oh, you don’t believe me?
Well, I guess the only thing you can really do is look for yourself, right?
Check them out for yourself and have some laughs on us!
1. What a bummer.
I got excited for a minute…
“oh ur parents are divorced u get 2 xmases” nah these bitches split the budget exactly evenly it’s 1 Christmas just in 2 apartments 20 miles apart
— Maddy Smith (@somaddysmith) December 24, 2021
2. What did I do last night?
Yes, we’ve all done this…
You ever read the Notes on your phone and wonder what you were on?
— kelly oxford (@kellyoxford) December 24, 2021
3. It was a long night.
Better luck tonight!
wide awake and trying to calm down after being visited by the ghost of christmas past (regret), christmas present (depression) and christmas future (anxiety)
— maura quint (@behindyourback) December 25, 2021
4. I don’t know what the hell this guy is talking about.
Can anyone help me out?
There are no “Good” King Wenceslases. Every King Wenceslas is a policy failure.
— DC Pierson (@DCpierson) December 24, 2021
5. I’m here for this.
I bet you are, too!
truly nothing better than a wide shot in muppet movie, when you get to see the whole muppet body
— river butcher ? (@rivbutcher) December 25, 2021
6. I don’t want to think about that.
Great, now I can’t get that visual out of my head.
In a human centipede situation, only the first guy needs a mask!
— Stacey Nightmare (@STACEYNIGHTMARE) December 23, 2021
7. I’m not into this idea.
You might get yourself into some trouble.
Can’t wait to whisper this into a stranger’s neck at the outlet mall tomorrow ?
— Karen Kilgariff (@KarenKilgariff) December 24, 2021
8. I’ve been wondering the same thing.
They’re all the rage!
I bought an air fryer. What happens now?
— marc maron (@marcmaron) December 24, 2021
9. I’m terrible at this.
Never got the hang of it!
Every gift I wrap either looks like it was wrapped by Martha Stewart or a 3-year-old. There is no in between.
— mark (@TheCatWhisprer) December 24, 2021
10. That figures…
He needed a break!
Just came downstairs and Santa is on my couch streaming the new Matrix movie.
— Conan O’Brien (@ConanOBrien) December 25, 2021
11. Hahaha. Yes.
It’s all true!
Do you think in the Middle Ages people were like “Okay does literally everyone have the plague right now? Lol I feel like every person I’ve ever met has the plague right now”
— Anna Drezen (@annadrezen) December 24, 2021
What are some of the funniest tweets you’ve seen lately?
Please share some good ones with us in the comments.
Thanks a lot!