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Things have been a little crazy lately and you’ve been on mom-duty way more than you signed up for this school term.
While you’re hunkering down in the kitchen, taking a break between nerf gun battles, you’ll likely be needing something to make you laugh.
Well, raise the white flag and surrender to these 12 memes about mothering you’ll find hilarious.
1. Get your effin paws off my chocolate.
A definite no-no. I mean, what were you thinking??
My daughter just maintained eye contact while stuffing her face with the last of my chocolate stash and my husband said “oh shit” and picked her up and took her into the other room but he won’t always be here to protect her
— Mom On The Rocks (@mom_ontherocks) March 28, 2020
2. How do they always look like angels?
It’s the crack of dawn and y’all look like demons to me!
3. Every generation has a story.
This generation will be talking about “that one month and three weeks”. You know you will.
Someday our kids will have kids. Those kids will complain that they're bored and want to go somewhere.
So our kids will tell their kids about the time they couldn't leave their house for a month because of a pandemic.
This is our kids "2 mile walk in the snow uphill" moment.
— The Salty Mamas (@saltymamas) March 18, 2020
4. If mom can’t find it, it’s gone forever.
Because she can find anything, so it’s not REALLY gone forever.
5. It’s called an affirmation.
And it’s working on my inside beauty. That’s the most important part, right?
6. Great idea.
They will use this knowledge forever.
7. Kids are food critics in training.
The New York Times should be so critical.
I really miss my son texting me from school to let me know he didn’t like what I put in his lunch.
— Sarcastic Mommy (@sarcasticmommy4) May 21, 2020
8. Being a mom is easy.
Embrace the defeat.
People complain about their children all the time but mine are pretty easy as long as we’re doing exactly what they want to be doing every second of every day.
— Rhyming Mama (@sarabellab123) May 19, 2020
9. There is some good news.
Kids can be cheaply entertained.
Before you spend $200 on birthday party entertainment for your child, I sprayed my son and his friends for 45 minutes with the hose. Rave reviews.
— Jessie (@mommajessiec) May 27, 2018
10. They are crazy confident.
It’s enviable.
11. I hate it when the kids use the logic.
We’ll get to go places again…someday.
Our kids sure are cute and we love them and all. But their bedtimes may be the sweetest part of the day. Which is perfectly okay.
Enjoy the silence.
And THEN… let us know what you thought in the comments, fam!
Please and thank you!