Oh, parents…we see you out there and we see all the hard work you’re putting in.
Even if your kids don’t fully appreciate it, we sure do…which is why we want you to find a quiet corner somewhere in your house so you can have some laughs at these hysterical posts about how parents all across the board really feel.
Are you ready to have a little time to yourself?
Go for it! You’ve earned it!
1. That might have been the better option.
I think we can all agree on that…
Bought my kid a guitar to have something to do during quarantine but in retrospect I should have bought him a Xanax.
— Kyle Ocasio (@OcasioKyle) May 18, 2020
2. Oh, that’s what that is!
At least now you know.
I put my symptoms into WebMD & it turns out I just have kids.
— Sarcastic Mommy (@sarcasticmommy4) March 7, 2016
3. A little Karen on your hands.
Who’s in charge here?
"Daddy, I want mommy" is the new "Let me speak to your fucking manager."
— Stone Cold Daddy (@Stonecolddaddy_) May 7, 2020
4. Talking to yourself again.
It’s okay, we all do it.
NO WAY. YOU LOOK SO FANTASTIC AND YOUNG."– I whisper to the mirror in the morning while I try to cover up the bags under my eyes
— Mommywinetime (@mommywinetime) May 19, 2020
5. Just let them do it.
It doesn’t really matter at this point.

Photo Credit: someecards
6. That would be nice.
In need of some motivation over here.
I wish I was as motivated to do anything as my kid is at bedtime to do "just one more thing!"
— Modern_MomProbs (@Modern_MomProbs) May 18, 2020
7. That sums it up.
Everything inside out and upside down.
8. I’m sooooo bored!
You don’t know what boredom is!

Photo Credit: someecards
9. There’s a lot of this going on.
It’s pretty much unavoidable at this point.
Anyone else’s kids running around without clothes or shoes, looking like they’re Tom Hanks from Castaway, except with a buzz cut?
— The Mommy Confessions (@alexandrafishr) May 5, 2020
10. This is gonna take a while.
Those aren’t “stickers”…by the way.

Photo Credit: someecards
11. Dogs are much cooler.
I’m just saying…
I don’t know why people say having a dog prepares you for having a kid because my dog has never wanted to watch Frozen 47 days in a row.
— Blake Hammond (@BigRadMachine) April 21, 2020
12. He’s clearly not getting it.
Back in my day…
My son was complaining because his phone was dead, so I told him about how when I didn’t have a quarter, I’d call 1 800 collect. When it asked for my name, I’d rapidly say something like “it’s-me-pick-me-up-at-the-pool.”
He didn’t seem to appreciate my hardship.— No Idea: Daddy Blog (@byclintedwards) October 10, 2019
Parents…we feel your pain.
And now we want to hear from you in the comments!
Let us know if/how much your kids are driving you up the wall right now.
Sound off and we’ll be here to listen to you!