As if being a teenager weren’t tough enough already, now they have to deal with being cut off from their friends, not being able to go to school, and having all their activities canceled for the foreseeable future.
But teenagers are gonna be teenagers no matter what, right?
They’re gonna act crazy, drive their parents nuts, and act out in dramatic fashion.
You know, all the good stuff!
Here are some hilarious tweets that get to the nitty gritty of raising teens.
1. You’re ruining my life!
I’m sure you’ve heard this before…
Shoutout to all the parents who're ruining their teens' life by making them wear weather appropriate clothing
— Healing for Hot Messes (@TheMandiEm) October 16, 2018
2. Like dealing with a pepper spray bomb.
I can’t breathe in here!
According to my teenage sons the appropriate number of squirts of Axe Body Spray is somewhere between 38 and 579.
— Lady Lawya (@Parkerlawyer) March 27, 2017
3. You win this round!
But keep your eyes open, Mom…
Teen tried to make a dramatic exit by slamming my door, but there was a towel on the knob. No slam, & no dignity for her as I died laughing.
— Stephanie Ortiz (@Six_Pack_Mom) November 2, 2017
4. God, leave me alone!
You did your best…
Last night:
18: Hey mom don’t let me forget I have a test in English tomorrow.
Me: ok*hours later
Me to 18: Don’t forget you have a test in English tomorrow.18: Oh my God mom, stop bugging me! It’s so annoying!
Door slam#parentingteens
— Positively Randi (@ICantEven001) November 19, 2019
5. Yeah, Butthead.
Aren’t kids just delightful?
13y.o: “Pass the syrup, butthead.”
Me: “That’s not how you ask your brother for something.”
13: “FINE… Butthead, please pass the syrup.”
— Stephanie Ortiz (@Six_Pack_Mom) September 17, 2019
6. Something’s either broken or on fire.
Better put the pedal to the medal.
Nothing makes me more nervous than a text from my teenage son that says, "How soon will you and mom be home?"
— Travis Bone (@FinallyHeSleeps) January 24, 2016
God help all of you.
[Me before teens]
*super irritated that people always say, “Oh you think it’s bad now just wait til they’re teens…”*[Me after teens]
GOD HELP US THEY WERE RIGHT— The Baby Lady (@thebabylady7) December 11, 2017
8. I’ll see you in four years.
We’ll miss you!
Babies&small children need attention 24/7. Then they become teens& hide in their rooms, avoiding you as much as possible, to make up for it.
— Salty Mermaid Entertainment (@saltymermaident) June 18, 2016
9. Don’t even think about it.
The key is to plant the seed the night before…at least that’s how I operated.
"My stomach hurts" is teenager for "I have a test in geometry"
— Sweet Momissa (@sweetmomissa) September 12, 2019
10. Just killing time out here.
Waiting…and waiting…and then more waiting…
86% of parenting teens is waiting in the car outside some practice or sporting event.
— Momma of Midgard (@MidgardMomma) November 15, 2017
It’s not as cool when parents do it.
Me [before kids]: I’m going to be the coolest parent.
Me [now]: *dabbing*
Teen son: I literally hate you.
— The Baby Lady (@thebabylady7) December 2, 2017
12. You’re right, but just don’t bring it up.
Kids and their rock music these days…I’ll tell ya…
Parenting tip: Asking your 16yo daughter why she listens to such stupid music is NOT the best conversation starter.
— Steve Olivas (@steveolivas) November 29, 2013
Those are pretty on-point, don’t you think?
Okay, all you moms and dads out there, now it’s your turn!
In the comments, tell us what it’s been like raising kids during this very unique and unprecedented time.
We’d love to hear your thoughts!