God sure is crack-up, isn’t he? At least he is on Twitter, where he (or she) is getting into all kinds of ridiculous situations because he (or she) CAN!
Let’s take a look at some of the funniest tweets that talk about God being a real mischief-maker.
1. You’ll figure it out.

Photo Credit: Twitter
2. That is NOT cool.

Photo Credit: Twitter
3. Oh, no. It’s for something else.

Photo Credit: Twitter
4. This is gonna get weird.

Photo Credit: Twitter
5. So that’s how it happened…

Photo Credit: Twitter
6. Let’s see what it looks like!

Photo Credit: Twitter
7. Consider it done.

Photo Credit: Twitter
8. They’re gonna be EVERYWHERE.

Photo Credit: Twitter
9. Never good enough, is it?

Photo Credit: Twitter
10. Now we’re talking.

Photo Credit: Twitter
11. Here come the narwhals.

Photo Credit: Twitter
12. That didn’t work out so well.

Photo Credit: Twitter
13. Should’ve kept your mouth shut.

Photo Credit: Twitter
Oh, God, you devil, you!
Have you seen any of these kinds of tweets out there?
If you have some favorites, share them in the comments with us!