
To all the moms and dads out there: we see you, we feel your pain, and we want you to take some breaks from your little devils and laugh to relieve some of the tension.

Raising kids is tough so you know a respite is needed to maintain your fragile sanity.

Here are some hilarious tweets for you to enjoy!

1. Some of them aren’t into it.

It’s a completely understandable situation.

2. Not what she was looking for.

What would you be looking for anyway?

3. All the meals are cold.

The dance recitals are too long, apparently.

4. Future doctor.

He’s so darn smart.

5. Nice try, though.

Kid… are you really trying?

6. Didn’t work out the way you’d hoped.

You’ll never go back.

7. Little white lies.

Wait… this puts you down? Yikes!

8. A terrible idea.

How old is this child?!?

9. Taking after his mom.

And taking after every Becky in history ever.

10. You’re still going to school.

Wait… you let your kids go to school with a phone?

11. No idea what her name is.

Why ask me such things, mother?

12. You’re gonna need it.

There’s gonna be smoke EVERY damn where.

13. Gonna be a huge hit.

So accurate, fam!

14. What kind of Hell is this?

It’s the kind of hell I wish I could go back to because those were some seriously fun times!

I don’t even have kids and I thought those tweets were pretty darn funny.

How about you? Did they strike a chord with the moms and dads out there?

Sound off in the comments, please.