To all the moms and dads out there: we see you, we feel your pain, and we want you to take some breaks from your little devils and laugh to relieve some of the tension.
Raising kids is tough so you know a respite is needed to maintain your fragile sanity.
Here are some hilarious tweets for you to enjoy!
1. Some of them aren’t into it.
It’s a completely understandable situation.
Stop assuming all toddlers want to give you a high five.
— Simon Holland (@simoncholland) February 20, 2020
2. Not what she was looking for.
What would you be looking for anyway?
I asked my son for a bite of his Chick-fil-A sandwich and he said no but he gave me a kiss on my forehead and told me he loved me “a whole bunch though.”
Not the same, son.
— Lady Lawya (@Parkerlawyer) February 24, 2020
3. All the meals are cold.
The dance recitals are too long, apparently.
Oh, your kids sit down and eat dinner? That’s cool. Mine perform interpretive dance in the kitchen while their food gets cold.
— SpacedMom (@copymama) February 24, 2020
4. Future doctor.
He’s so darn smart.
Our 5yo wrapped a piece of sausage around my finger and called it a “band-aid” so needless to say, he’s my personal physician now.
— Richard Dean (@dad_on_my_feet) February 28, 2020
5. Nice try, though.
Kid… are you really trying?
4yo: HELP
Me: are you ok!?
4yo: I'm stuck!
Me, running in: omg
4yo: I can't put my shirt!
Me: those are pants
— Marcy G (@BunAndLeggings) February 28, 2020
6. Didn’t work out the way you’d hoped.
You’ll never go back.
My daughter woke up at 6:06 today instead of her usual 6:00 because we let her stay up 5 hours past her bedtime last night.
— Simon Holland (@simoncholland) February 29, 2020
7. Little white lies.
Wait… this puts you down? Yikes!
“Moms don’t get sick from raw cookie dough”
-and other lies I tell my kids— Go Ask Your Dad (@_goaskyourdad_) February 28, 2020
8. A terrible idea.
How old is this child?!?
Child: Can you make me some tea?
Me: I think you're old enough to make it yourself.[10 minutes later]
Me [cleaning honey off of every visible surface]: Next time let me do it.
— Rodney Lacroix (@RodLacroix) February 27, 2020
9. Taking after his mom.
And taking after every Becky in history ever.
My 4yo is in a phase where he refuses to wear jeans because he says they “just aren’t as comfy as my sweatpants” and I have honestly never felt more seen or understood.
— Goldfish and Chicken Nuggets (@gfishandnuggets) February 27, 2020
10. You’re still going to school.
Wait… you let your kids go to school with a phone?
Thoughts & prayers for my son who thought his phone was charging overnight only to find he must go to school on 6%.
— Sarcastic Mommy (@sarcasticmommy4) February 26, 2020
11. No idea what her name is.
Why ask me such things, mother?
4 year old came home today and announced he has a girlfriend. She’s older, wears glasses and lives close to the school.
I asked him what her name was. His response: “I don’t know but that’s not important”.
— Terri Fry (@momlikethat1) February 28, 2020
12. You’re gonna need it.
There’s gonna be smoke EVERY damn where.
When my kids want to help with dinner I give them the important job of removing the batteries from all the smoke detectors.
— Rodney Lacroix (@RodLacroix) February 18, 2020
13. Gonna be a huge hit.
So accurate, fam!
What is that smell?
– a parenting memoir
— Professional Worrier (@pro_worrier_) February 17, 2020
14. What kind of Hell is this?
It’s the kind of hell I wish I could go back to because those were some seriously fun times!
Was explaining to my kid’s how Friday nights everyone went to the video rental store to get tapes and how if you didn’t get there early enough the newest movies would be all gone and you try again next week and I’m pretty sure they think we lived in hell
— Bunmi Laditan (@HonestToddler) February 20, 2020
I don’t even have kids and I thought those tweets were pretty darn funny.
How about you? Did they strike a chord with the moms and dads out there?
Sound off in the comments, please.