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Cats do what they want, when they want. That should come as no surprise to anyone who’s ever been a cat owner in their lives.
And these cats are staking out their claims wherever they damn well please.
Do you have a problem with that? Too bad!
1. Special delivery just for you.
2. Do you mind?
3. Are you comfortable?
4. Definitely a perfect fit.
5. Looks like an optical illusion.
6. Snug like a bug.
7. I see you!
8. Blending right in.
[deleted by user]
by inaww
9. Good luck getting out of there.
10. I packed your lunch.
11. Think it’s gonna work?
thats one way to catch birds
byu/icant-chooseone inTIGHTPUSSY
12. A burrito cat.
13. Just like Houdini.
14. One serving, please.
15. Don’t light the BBQ!
I’ve had cats throughout the years, and I’d say that these posts definitely ring true.
What do you think? Do your feline friends pull these kinds of antics with you?
Tell us about it in the comments and share some photos with us, too!