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I don’t know about you, but I’m OBSESSED with Halloween. I can’t get enough of it. That’s why I always fall into a deep, dark depression on November 1.
And I really love Halloween decorations. Spooky, creepy…EVIL. I love it all!
Here are 15 examples of people really nailing it in the decorations department.
Trick or treat!
1. Whoa! That’s awesome!
Projection my Brother-in-law has set up in his front window
byu/Almarrio ingifs
2. Time for a road trip.
The Pumpkin House in Kenova, West Virginia
byu/hmbmelly inhalloween
3. A bloody disaster…with pumpkins.
4. That’s pretty creepy.
5. Lifesize Michael Myers house!
6. Your call, neighborhood watch folks.
7. All those things are DEAD.
8. That is impressive.
Halloween decorations in my neighborhood. This guy makes these by hand and puts them up every year
byu/Awes0me123 inpics
9. Old folks home.
Walking Dead-inspired Halloween decorations.
byu/SuperCub infunny
10. Don’t you dare steal any candy.
11. Giant spiders attack!
My neighbors take Halloween very seriously
byu/PM_ME_UR_LUNCH inpics
12. A lot going on in this one.
My friend uploaded this to her Facebook, figured it belonged here. “Best Halloween Decorations”
byu/Jorogasm inpics
13. Don’t go in the sewer.
My sister thought it would be funny to put this in the sewer in front of her house.
byu/gochujangface inhalloween
14. Beware of the skeletons.
Skeletons breaking into someone’s house to murder them
byu/PancakeExprationDate inmildlyinteresting
15. Terrifying nuns are everywhere.
Do you have some photos of epic Halloween decorations? Perhaps it’s even your house?
Share them in the comments and share them with the world!