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Even before we become parents, I think most of us realize there is a certain amount of awkwardness involved – because we were kids once, and on the other side of those conversations that made us want to crawl out of our skin, right?
That said, we’re not always prepared when it happens. At least, I imagine these 15 parents weren’t as prepared as they hoped they might be when these awkward moments reared their heads.
15. Bless his little heart.
Object permanence is a heck of a trip.
14. The things they don’t teach you.
I mean, the things we didn’t even think about demanding to be taught.
6-year-old: Do dragons fart fire?
Me: I don't know.
6: I thought you went to college.
— James Breakwell, Exploding Unicorn (@XplodingUnicorn) January 6, 2019
13. Cute and dumb.
Add “suicidal” and you’ve summed up toddlers.
My toddler dropped my phone while she was FaceTiming my mom, gasped, picked it back up, and asked, “grandma, are you ok???” It was the cutest-dumbest thing Ive ever seen.
— Not the Nanny (@not_thenanny) June 22, 2021
12. They’re not going to correct him, either.
Because honestly, why would they? Now other people can feel uncomfortable too!
11. I mean, that’s one way to do life.
Not a way that’s going to earn you a whole lot of friends, though.
My son got his report card today and academically he did well but his teacher wrote a note specifying “ he needs to use kind words with friends “ . I asked him about it and he said “ My friends are dumb and they need to know “
— ⬆️⬆️⬇️⬇️⬅️➡️⬅️➡️🅱️🅰️ (@PurestInNoSense) March 24, 2018
10. Family brushing prevents cavities.
I wonder how long this will go on.
When my son was 4 he saw a commercial that said "brushing alone is not enough to prevent cavities and tooth decay" so he made us start brushing our teeth with him.
It's been 3 years.
Nobody tell him.— Luciux Riker (@Luciuxness) August 17, 2020
9. That is one uncomfortable moment.
Those parents were wondering just who they were raising for a few minutes.
I remember when I was younger I thought perish was a good word. I was praying with my family one night and I prayed that we would all perish. The silence that filled the room is unforgettable 😂🤣😭
— Gloriatunu (@Gloriatunu1) July 28, 2020
8. That’ll make you stop and think.
Especially if you have it hollered your direction.
Found this gem as I was going through my Facebook memories. My son was 4 when this went down.
byu/aly1529 inKidsAreFuckingStupid
7. Maybe time for a DNA test.
Because that is some suspect intelligence.
[playing Hangman]
son: 3!
me: It has to be a letter
son: Oh. 9!
me *looks at wife* Are we cousins?— Josh (@iwearaonesie) May 2, 2018
6. Look out for that one.
She’ll definitely put you in a home…but she’ll visit.
my daughter asked why she can’t just quit school and i told her it’s against the law and they’ll put me in jail and my sweet sweet child looked me in the eye and said “i’ll visit you”
— ceciATL (@ceciATL) January 28, 2021
5. Time to make some new coffee.
I mean, at least you saw it happen.
4. Time for the awkward genetics conversation.
Yep, your nose is weird too, love. Blame your father.
My 7 year old: *staring at my face*
Me: What is it, sweetie?
My 7 year old: Is my nose weird, too?
Kids are delightful.
— ThisOneSays (@ThisOneSayz) February 9, 2021
3. I would have failed that test.
And I was a dang good server back in my day.
Hats off to the waiter that kept a straight face as my 5yo ordered the vagina for lunch instead of the lasagna.
— Professional Worrier (@pro_worrier_) June 22, 2021
2. This coming from a kid, who can find nothing.
At least he understands the concept of trying your best.
5yo asked me to go find something downstairs. I couldn’t find it.
5yo: “I’ve got an idea. This time, go back downstairs and try your best”.
— Adam B. Hill, M.D. (@Adamhill1212) June 25, 2021
1. Thank goodness you weren’t in public.
Although this would be way funnier if they had been.
3yo: Mom, did you eat all the penis?
3yo: You like penis, mom???
Me: PEANUTS! Yes, I ate the peanuts.
3yo: You like penis.— Marcy G (@BunAndLeggings) May 25, 2019
Y’all, I am not ready. My kids are still small but they’re getting bigger every day and this is definitely coming.
What’s the most awkward conversation you’ve had with your kids? How did you navigate it? Lay it all on us down in the comments!