Psst. Hey. Are you at work right now? Or like, at home but supposed to be working? Right on. We won’t tell anybody you’re scrolling through memes. We got your back.
Just look at these memes quick before somebody notices.
15. Zoom boom
Any chance you’ll buy it if I blame the dog?

Via: someecards
14. Miss me
Meetings are proof that there is a God and he wants us to suffer.

Via: someecards
13. Breaking apart
Lemme finish this linguini and I’ll get the hose.

Via: someecards
12. Don’t question me
Guess the break is just more permanent now.

Via: someecards
11. Hair raising tales
Also there were a bunch of really static-y balloons on the road.

Via: someecards
10. Not so cute
This cycle takes place over the course of roughly 20 minutes.

Via: someecards
9. Living the meme
I want to make fun of this but looking at / talking about memes is literally what I’m getting paid to do right at this very minute.

Via: someecards
8. Holy sheets
An immovable object meeting an unstoppable force.

Via: someecards
7. Living vs living
When do I get to the part where I can stop?

Via: someecards
6. The supervisor
“Love what you’re doing but do you think we could try for a little chunkier?”

Via: someecards
5. Not my problem
Fly away friend, just fly away.

Via: someecards
4. Get out
Why even give me this company computer then?

Via: someecards
3. Snitches get stitches
I don’t need my business up in my business.

Via: someecards
2. Another day, another dollar
No seriously, it’s going great.

Via: someecards
1. Radical honesty
You do realize I’m going to be posting about this later.

Via: someecards
Did anybody see that you were just meme scrolling? If so, tell them it’s for a project. Use the word “synergy” a lot. They’ll probably leave you alone.
What’s the best or worst thing about your job?
Tell us in the comments.