The internet regularly warns us of things that we’ll never be able to “un-see,” and I feel like, for the most part, we really don’t take those warnings seriously enough.
Sometimes they’re in jest, but other times, I know I’ve wished that I would have taken the warning more seriously.
In the case of these 24 x-rays, well…there’s a little bit of both. And I guess you’ll just have to scroll to figure out which is which.
24. All those little kitties.
They’re gonna be so cute!
An X-ray of a pregnant cats belly.
byu/Poohbizzle79 inoddlyterrifying
23. Anyone who has had babies feels for this mama dog.
So many pups!
X-ray of a pregnant dog
byu/Dark_Gladiator66 inoddlyterrifying
22. Living dinosaur!
I can’t believe their teeth look like that!
What a hammerhead shark looks like under an x-ray
byu/Opulent_Pancake ininterestingasfuck
21. All birth is terrifying.
I really don’t think we need to see it in process.
A cool X-ray we took from a Frenchie in labour.
byu/maxinehelene inVetTech
20. Thanks, I hate it.
Kids really have all of those teeth in their face. Ugh.
19. Oh man, eye stuff really freaks me out.
As does tooth stuff. No thanks.
MRI of what happens when you rub your eyes
byu/Boojibs inoddlyterrifying
18. That looks like it hurt.
Getting old is a real pain, y’all.
I dislocated my jaw… while eating cereal.
byu/itsskylaraiden inWellthatsucks
17. You cannot convince me this is not an alien.
Men in Black had it right.
16. Also an alien.
This is a super neat peek.
15. OK but snakes are really cool, though.
This one is pretty fascinating!
An X-ray of a healthy but fat snake for some feed relief
byu/Vast-Cow9597 inVetTech
14. What a trooper.
I bet getting those out is no picnic.
13. It looks like some kind of prehistoric creature.
That is definitely not what they look like from the outside.
Head X-ray of my chinchilla
byu/rats4lifes inmildlyinteresting
12. The human brain is so interesting.
Why does the rest of it look transluscent?
Arteries of the brain, X-Ray
byu/onepersononeidea ininterestingasfuck
11. There’s a reason we have skin.
Perpetuation of the species and all of that.
10. It’s like some kind of super power.
Not as cool as web hands, but you know.
I have 6 toes on my left foot know as hexadactyly . Here’s the X-ray
byu/DomnLee ininterestingasfuck
9. It looks like something alive!
Maybe it is. My dog will eat literally anything.
8. Oh so appetizing.
Aren’t you ready for a big meal now?
X-Ray of a Human Swallowing
byu/MaximumPollution ininterestingasfuck
7. Yet somehow nothing is broken.
It will never cease to amaze.
X-Ray of a Gymnast Doing a Full Scorpion
by inDamnthatsinteresting
6. It’s like something out of a horror movie.
I bet the doctors were all sharing it with each other.
A patient experienced claustrophobia and had a panic attack during a CT scan.
byu/tomjulio inpics
5. Somehow more terrifying than even a regular bat.
They’re much cuter with their little furry faces.
4. Puppy paws could never be scary.
I don’t care who you are, these are adorable.
3. OK but that’s still cute, though.
Because he’s a very good boi.
I didn’t know you can do a motion X-ray
byu/yeahmoo inXRayPorn
2. Back problems are no joke.
What an absolute nightmare.
Side View of a Full Spinal Fusion
byu/rosecoloredgasmask inXRayPorn
1. That just looks uncomfortable.
No wonder this is where we get the term “broody.”
X-ray of my egg bound chicken
byu/_hiddenscout ininterestingasfuck
I tried to warn you, but hopefully you’re not too traumatized.
Which of these really popped your eyeballs open wide? Let us know in the comments!