
I want to say right away that we do not condone any of the activities that you’re going to read about here in just a second.

Okay, now that we have that out of the way, enjoy these scandalous and shady life hacks that people admitted to on Twitter.

But don’t go getting any ideas, okay…?

1. I can get behind this.

Parking is a different story…

2. I’ll take that.

Thank you very much!

3. This is hilarious.

Nice work!

4. I love Long John Silver’s.

All summer long!

5. Pro move.

Livin’ that buffet life.

6. A little over the top.

But do what you gotta do.

7. Kind of impressive.

But still scandalous.


8. Time for a refund.

Got the job done.

9. This is theft.

Just letting you know.

10. Wow…just wow.

Good thing you didn’t get caught.

11. Let’s eat.

You weren’t going hungry.

Do you have any life hacks we should know about?

Let us know in the comments.

Thanks a lot!