Most of us know that laughter is good for the soul, but did you also know that funny memes do the same thing?
It’s all true, friends!
So what do you say? Are you ready to put your soul at ease with some laughter?
I thought you’d say YES! Go ahead and get started now!
1. Not quite what you were looking for, huh?
Well, close enough.
2. Isn’t this always what happens?
It’s enough to drive you nuts!
3. Just take deep breaths…
You’re gonna be just fine.
4. This meme just keeps on going.
It’ll never get old!
5. Hey, it’s working!
You got nothing to worry about.
6. Not my problem.
Come back to me when a meteor hits New York City.
7. Neither one seems comfortable.
Yep, it’s Fall.
8. Who wears these things?
Do you fall into one of these categories?
9. Why isn’t anyone calling me?
Now I’m depressed…
10. You talking to me?
This is always a sticky situation.
11. Just smack the s**t out of it.
It usually works for me.
12. That’s my youngest brother.
I can just tell, okay?
13. Do you mind lending a hand?
Superman looks like he could use some help.
Now it’s your turn!
Share some funny memes, tweets, and jokes with us in the comments.
Thanks a million!