
I know what I’d like to be free!

How about HEALTH CARE in the United States?

What a concept, right?

I know some folks like to say that we have the best health care in the world and that might be true…if you have a good job and good benefits. But a whole lot of folks out there in this country can’t even go see a doctor because they simply can’t afford it.

Okay, that’s my speech for the day.

What do you think should be free?

AskReddit users shared their thoughts.

1. Truth.

“Medical care. It should be free globally and by law should be good quality too.

In the UK we have the NHS. I feel very lucky to have this and I wish everyone had it too.”

2. Some good points.

“School books. It’s horrendous what some people have to pay just to learn when they’re already paying so much to go to that school .

Ambulances or anything like that.

Emergency surgery.

Health care for the vulnerable: old people, people with mental health, needs , those who come from low income households basically those who could be able to actually buy or know what is needed to do in order to get what they need essentially.”

3. A big one.

“Access to the internet

If this pandemic has taught me anything it’s that remote working is a good thing and will probably continue going forward, also it’s great for keeping in touch with loved ones even if they’re thousands of miles away, which can be great for mental health.

Also, people can game which can be great for hand/eye coordination and creativity.

This pandemic I think has shown everyone that the internet is definitely an essential thing in this day and age, and should absolutely be free.”

4. A weird one.

“D**th. Why do I need to pay to die?

I don’t know but if I can’t afford to be buried or cremated, will my family be in debt because of my d**th?”

5. Seems like a no-brainer.

“Hospital parking .

Where I live not only do they charge for patients and visitors to park but they charge any and all staff as well.

For one if you are a patient or visitor the last thing you want on a stressful or worst day of your life or even a happy time like a baby been born is to have to pay for parking.

It is especially unfair if there is a time limit on your ticket because things take ages in hospitals and events change so you might not be able to help going over and then your left with a fine.

As for the poor staff where do I even start all the hard work they do , all the stress they face and likely being hungry, tired and d**d on their feet after a massive shift , going home for a few hours before they have to go back on shift and they have to sort out paying the meter at the start or end of the shift.

I understand the hospital need to make cash but there ate better ways than charging hard working staff and vulnerable people money to park.”

6. A shame.


If not free, it should absolutely be dirt cheap, which it is but pharmaceutical companies don’t want you to know that.”

7. It’ll cost you.

“Calling off a marriage.

Unfortunately all marriages are a three-way relationship with the government so they have the final say, primarily money.”

8. Toll after toll.

“I know this is small, but I hate toll roads.

If I already pay taxes etc, why is the government charging me for driving on an interstate or federal highway?”

9. Preach!

“Birth control.

We have more than enough people already.”

10. All of this.

“Water. Basic Internet. Education. Healthcare.

A minimum standard of living that doesn’t involve a cardboard box and sleeping bag.”

11. Wow.


I gave birth to my son in February, and even with pretty decent insurance I still owe $7,000 for shoving a human out.”

12. Free water.

“Running water.

It should be covered by taxes and not bought and sold like a commodity.

This is also why I hate bottled water.”

13. Why am I paying for this?


I find it ridiculous that we have to pay so much for something we are required to have on us at all times.”

14. That’s lame.

“Beaches and public parks.

I’m from California where all of the beaches are free for everybody to use.

It baffles me when I travel and find other beaches aren’t free.


15. A great idea.

“School lunch for all kids.

A city near me tested free breakfast for all elementary students and test scores went up.”

16. When you gotta go…

“Using the toilet.

I’m looking at you and your stupid pay toilets, Europe!

As well as any convenience store/fast food joint that tries to refuse the restroom to non-customers, especially if there isn’t a nearby public option.”

17. I agree!

“Hospital parking.

Where I live, parking garages at public hospitals all seem to be run by private companies and the fees are nuts.

It’s a huge amount of pressure to put on people who are already under stress.”

18. Ridiculous.

“If you ask me, a single ambulance ride shouldn’t cost as much as a Lamborghini.”

19. There you go.

“Government identification.

Drug testing

Criminal record checks.”

20. Yes!

“Medication, especially anything required for survival.

No reason I should have to choose between paying for insulin or paying for food/shelter/education.

My body cannot produce it on its own, and I have no choice but to buy it.”

21. Should be free.

“Mental health support.

The fact that you need to pay someone to listen to you really shows how f**ked the world is.”

22. Fill ‘er up.

“The air machines at gas stations.

It’s air for cryin’ out loud.

How you gonna refuse me some air for my tires just because I don’t have any change on me?”

23. Good point.

“I’m a man, but imo feminine hygiene products should be free.

As a cashier full time, it feels wrong to tell a high school girl she’s a dollar short so I can’t let her leave with her hygiene products.

For one, I’m a guy, and can’t fathom that discomfort, and that’s not even to mention the fact that it is probably extremely embarrassing for her, and a messy inconvenience, especially if that was her only option, in public.

For the record, I bought her tampons for her.

It’s f**ked that these aren’t free for women.”

24. That would be nice.

“Glasses or eye contacts.

Why do I need to pay so much just to be able to see?”

25. Let’s hope so. Forever.


Anyone who thinks ‘Netflix for Books’ is a viable business model that could possibly replace the numerous services your local library provides — especially to those people who by definition couldn’t afford a subscription model — is exactly the kind of person who could probably benefit by spending more time in a library.”

What do YOU think should be free?

Sound off in the comments and make your voice heard!

We can’t wait to hear from you!