A lot of people are definitely going through a hard time right now. It seems like the bad news just keeps piling up day after day and sometimes it can be very overwhelming.
So we’re here to make you laugh and hopefully lift your spirits as much as we can.
What do you say? Do you want to laugh and nod your head at some funny and positive memes about life?
Well, what are you waiting for?
Let’s get started NOW!
1. I don’t think it worked the way he intended.
Sorry about that…
Inventing the Gatling gun ironically. Lmao it shoots so many bullets, as a bit pic.twitter.com/ruJX227VL2
— Tom Studans (@maximumwelfare) May 17, 2020
2. It’s just like that.
You might have more fun making up your own!
hey seniors, if you're really missing graduation sit in the sun wearing a shower curtain while someone reads from a phonebook for 3 hours
— Kyle Dodson 🐀 (@KyleDodsonFunny) May 16, 2020
3. I think you can make that happen.
To each their own…
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4. Seriously…get it together.
It’ll make life much easier.
Y’all are so dumb cooking ur food at 350° for 40 min when u could just do the math and cook it at 14,000° for one minute.
— ♡snakel3t♡ (@snakel3t) May 16, 2020
5. Wait for it…
And now ATTACK!
— Videos in my folder (@VideosFolder) May 17, 2020
6. Now you’ve done it!
You couldn’t resist, could you?
[hiding in pantry from murderer]
[quietly tries to open bag of chips]— Jeff Wysaski (@pleatedjeans) January 8, 2015
7. I feel this deep in my soul.
It helps if you imagine autocorrect as a tiny little elf in your phone who’s trying so hard to be helpful but is in fact quite drunk.
— Michael Marshall Smith (@ememess) November 12, 2018
8. Time to make some small talk.
We’ve all been in this situation before, for better or worse.
when your girlfriend runs into her friend and you’re stuck with the other boyfriend pic.twitter.com/mhUlHxJ1Co
— Luke Mones (@LukeMones) January 6, 2020
9. I am on board with this 100%.
A million-dollar idea in the making.
10. You nailed it!
Ladies, you need one of your own.
girls make fun of 3 in 1 body wash because there jealouse of how much free time it gives guys to play with there friends on the computer
— Patrick Doran (@lunch_enjoyer) May 19, 2020
11. Those bones are creakin’.
Mario’s getting up there.
We hope those tweets put you in a better mood.
It sure worked for us!
Okay, now it’s your turn.
In the comments, share something nice and wholesome with us that you think will lift our spirits.
It could be a meme, a tweet, a photo, a joke, etc.
Please and thank you!