
A lot of people follow celebrities on social media and they love to see how those folks dress.

It’s all true!

And you’re about to meet a blogger from Russia who walks to the beat of his own drummer when it comes to recreating celebrity photos.

Hang on tight and enjoy these pics! We think they’re gonna make you laugh!

1. Nailed it!

Doesn’t get better than that!

2. Hit the beach!

With your ironing board!

3. Yowza…a little creepy.

What do you think?

4. You are an angel.

Or something like that…

5. I see what you did there.

Nice work!

6. Lovely couple.

You look incredible!

7. A real stunner!

Look at you!

8. Spitting image!

You are now royalty!

9. This looks painful.

But still impressive.

10. Nightmare fuel.

Might have overdone it on the lipstick.

Do you know of some other funny Instagram accounts we should follow?

If so, share them with us in the comments.

Thanks a lot, friends!