
Oh boy, here we go again…

It’s time for another installment of Entitled People Who Need Reality Check!

And these folks you’re about to meet…they are some real gems.

And when I say “gems”, I mean annoying and ridiculous.

Take a look at what I’m talking about…

1. You don’t have a problem making a 30-minute drive, do you?

No problem, what else do you need?

2. This is pretty nervy, don’t you think?

Ummm, that wasn’t one of the options…

3. People love to complain about getting free stuff.

Doesn’t make much sense, does it?

4. How about half off? Will that work?

I don’t see how you can sweeten that deal any more than that.

5. I’m also gonna need that delivered.

Don’t hold back now!

6. This is totally incredible.

Sometimes I can’t stand humanity. Know what I’m saying?

7. Free money isn’t gonna be enough this time.

Okay, what else do you need?

8. Can you feed every single person on the planet?

If not, then you’re gonna hear about it!

9. You’re only gonna give me 8 free beers?

What are you, some kind of loser?

10. Sorry about that…

Uh oh, you really did it this time!

11. Do you think this person is high-maintenance?

I’ll let you ponder that for a while…

Who’s the most entitled person you’ve ever dealt with?

Share some good stories with us in the comments.

And remember to use aliases!

We’d love to hear from you!