
Revenge is a dish best served cold, right?

You know it! And you’re about to read a story about how a person got some major revenge on a youth minister at a church where he was a dedicated member.

Here’s how the story started out.

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The church was obviously important in this person’s life.

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And then a new Youth Minister entered the scene years later…

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And trouble was brewing from the beginning.

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His impact was immediate, and not in a good way.

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But the Youth Minister made it seem like he had expelled all the bad elements from the Youth Group.

It seems like this guy had everyone, except the young people, wrapped around his finger.

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And he was a little too ambitious, as well.

And rumors started to spread about the pastor’s health.

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And you know how rumors can just take on a life of their own.

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And the pastor found himself in hot water.

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And then the Youth Minister focused his vengeful energy on this person.

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It seems like a shady deal had been hatched to get the Youth Minister’s family paid.

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He stopped by to see the pastor and that confirmed that something was definitely amiss at the church.

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And then he found out the nasty rumors that were being spread about him.

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So he decided to never go back to the church…except for one time, which we’ll get to later on.

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But he still couldn’t shake what a terrible person the Youth Minister was.

And it seemed like something was really wrong with him.

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So he decided to get some of his family members involved in finding out what the deal was with this shady character who had shown up out of nowhere.

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And he dug up a whole lot of dirt on the fella.

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And the investigation continued…

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But he still had to be careful while doing his legwork.

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And then he learned about a real whopper of a story.

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The Youth Minister was, in fact, a world-class creep.

Check this out…

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This Fred guy ended up confronting his wife about this slimy situation.

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And then Fred set his sights on the charming Youth Minister.

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So Fred decided to confront this jerk in his office.

And I don’t think it was a friendly visit.

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And the Youth Minister was presented with the evidence.

And Fred, who sounds like a man not to be messed with, gave the Youth Minister an ultimatum.

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And this awful person was now weaving his webs in a town only 50 miles away!

When Fred learned this part of the story, he was really upset.

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So this person enlisted Fred to help him (and himself) out.

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And so this guy decided to visit his old church to see what had happened after Fred made his visits.

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And Fred had really done his work again this time.

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The old church still went through some rough times.

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And all the scandals of the disgraced Youth Minister were swept under the rug now that he was gone for good.

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And the person who wrote this post decided against a career in the ministry after seeing all this drama and scandal play out before his eyes.

But it sounds like he’s doing just fine.

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And he did have one final run-in with the Youth Minister years later.

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And he just sat back and took it all in…

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Now we want to hear from all of you out there!

In the comments, share some scandalous stories from your own life with us.

Please and thank you!