
Is there anything dogs can’t do? A funeral home in North Carolina now has a therapy dog, trained to comfort people in their grief.

Macon Funeral Home introduced Mochi, the newest member of their grief support team, on Facebook.

The post says,

“She’s an eight-week-old Bernese Mountain Dog who loves people and loves to sleep.

We hope she will become a member of our grief support team and make therapy visits to those in need with her mom, Tori McKay.”

Tori says she’s been dreaming of having a dog on-site for the past 10 years. For her 30th birthday, she finally made it a reality.

Tori chose Mochi specifically for her breed and said,

“The Bernese Mountain Dog is a very loyal, affectionate and gentle animal, and has always been my choice for a potential grief therapy dog.

They have a history of being excellent therapy and support dogs, which comes from their kind disposition and laid-back personalities.”

It was important to adopt Mochi young, too.

“Bernese Mountain Dogs do not have long life expectancies — six to eight years is typical — and I want her life to hold as much purpose as possible.”

Photo Credit: Macon Funeral Home

Mochi will undergo formal training when she turns six months old. Until then, Tori is training and socializing her herself. Mochi is already having a strong impact on the funeral home!

Tori added,

“So far, everyone has been so supportive, and Mochi has already made a difference in families’ lives this week.

I have had people reach out for grief therapy, and the reception on Facebook has been incredible.”

What an awesome idea! But we want to know what you think about it.

Let us know in the comments!