
There’s an old story in my family from the 1800s that one of our ancestors who lived in Canada left the family home on horseback to go into town to take care of some business and never returned. He just vanished without a trace.

Was he robbed and killed? Or maybe he wanted to disappear and start a new life elsewhere? We’ll never know, but it’s an unsolved mystery that my ancestors have talked about for generations.

Folks on Twitter shared the interesting stories from their family’s history and I think some of these people need to put pen to paper soon and write some books.

Let’s take a look.

1. A real lifesaver.


2. Trail of Tears.


3. That is amazing.

4. A true artist.

5. Don’t mess with this guy.

6. A harrowing tale.


7. Never backed down.


8. He told the world.

9. American hero!


10. A life well-lived.


11. Trailblazer for women.

12. Congrats to her!

Those stories are very interesting, no doubt about that.

How about you? Do you have some fascinating tales from your family’s past?

Tell us about them in the comments. We’d love to hear from you!