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You’ve probably been there…and I know that I have.
I’ve had jobs in the past that literally made me sick to my stomach and that I dreaded going to every single day.
It’s the worst!
But…you gotta pay the bills, right?
And until you find the right job for you, you gotta push through and grin and bear it.
So while you keep looking for a new job, we want you to also enjoy these memes.
Go ahead and start now!
1. A tough lesson to learn.
Someone really blew it!
2. Sure, whatever you say…
I’ll be over here crying.
3. Technically, the boss wasn’t lying.
You’re by a pool, right?
4. The more you know.
Were you aware of this?
5. Have fun with that.
It shouldn’t take that long.
6. Gettin’ in shape!
That’s one good part of jobs like this.
7. This is always the worst.
Just go eat in your car.
8. Wow, you read my mind!
Pretty much the same thing, right?
9. Good luck getting him down.
You have your hands full.
10. Well, the boat’s going down.
Now what do you have to say for yourself?
11. How did he sleep through all of that?
Gotta give him some credit.
12. Ehhh, I guess we can go back on break.
It’s very accurate!
13. It was just all talk, wasn’t it?
Sure seems like it…
Now we want to hear from you.
In the comments, tell us how your job is going.
We’d love to hear from you!