Do you know about middle class fancy?
It means that you’re in the middle of the economic ladder and you enjoy the same things that other folks in your economic bracket do.
Like Outback Steakhouse, mowing your lawn, and making funny jokes at work.
You know, the good stuff!
And you should! Because you’ve worked hard for it!
So go ahead and enjoy these middle class fancy memes!
1. Just sit out there and admire it.
You’d do the same thing.

Photo Credit: The Chive
2. Don’t joke about your lawn.
Don’t even think about it…

Photo Credit: The Chive
3. You know a lot of people like this.
We all do!

Photo Credit: The Chive
4. Much better than I anticipated!
Do a couple laps around the room.

Photo Credit: The Chive
5. So exciting!
You know it’s true!

Photo Credit: The Chive
6. Good one, buddy!
Always a jokester.

Photo Credit: The Chive
7. This will be a nice addition.
Spice things up a little bit.

Photo Credit: The Chive
8. Rand comes through again!
I heard this a lot this summer.

Photo Credit: The Chive
9. Doesn’t look like a farm…
Whatever you say…

Photo Credit: The Chive
10. You can never have enough.
I said MORE!

Photo Credit: The Chive
11. This is you, isn’t it?
I knew it!

Photo Credit: The Chive
12. Who doesn’t love these things?
You know you do!

Photo Credit: The Chive
13. Psssshhhht! Pathetic.
Who doesn’t do this?

Photo Credit: The Chive
Are you middle class fancy?
If so, tell us why in the comments.
Please and thank you!