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When Octavia Spencer first rolled into Hollywood, she was a “nobody.” And she could have missed her moment when an unexpected life event happened, making her late.
As she explains in this video, her car broke down at a VERY inopportune time.
“My car broke down at the middle of the crazy intersection at sunset. I parked underneath the tree so you know the birds have a filed day all over your car.
It was filthy and I had an audition…no one would help me because my car was so dirty… until Keanu Reeves did.”
We’ve all heard stories that Reeves might be one of the noblest celebrities in Tinsel Town. He’s known for starting huge charities, giving fans autographs, and treating the crew on set like gold.
This small act of kindness toward Spencer is just one of the things he’s known for.
“He was on a motorcycle and had a motorcycle helmet and sunglass and said ‘Hey, do you need some help?’ And I was like, ‘Yes.’ I kid you not, I was going to have him get in and I was going to push it. He said, ‘No, no, I’m gonna push you.’
And I’m thinking, ‘Oh, he’s gonna touch my car!’ That was a sweet thing to do.”
Recently this story resurfaced on Reddit and had people commenting.
- u/raidraidraid: “Oh man, Keanu. I’m sure he’ll go down in history as one of the nicest people in Hollywood and be remembered for years to come.”
- u/sinsculpt: “That made my day, even when he’s trying to be an ass he’s lovable as hell.”
- u/Dorkamundo: “Someone’s eventually going to discover that he owns a Pizza shop with an actual basement. And in that basement, is another pizza shop with a tube system that fires slices of pizza to secret homeless pizza dispensers all over the US. People love pizza.”
- u/Hieillua: “Okay Reddit, I get it. Keanu is a saint.”
When Meredith Vieira asked if she’s talked to Reeves about their encounter Spencer replied,
“I will never remind him of that moment, because when I said I was looking foul, I don’t want that memory to come back.”
Who knows. Without Reeves saving the day, Spencer could have missed an important audition that made her famous. Thanks, Keanu!