In a time where you can order almost everything online and have it delivered, millennials are relying on the old-fashioned travel agency.
They’ve discovered the value of using these previously overlooked resources to get advice on everything from which countries to visit to what hotels to book.

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In the “2017 Portrait of American Travelers” by MMGY Global, 33 percent of millennials said they plan to use a travel agent for future travel.
This was twice as many as Gen X’ers and Baby Boomers.
In the “How America Travels” national study from the American Society of Travel Agents, 44 percent of millennials responded that travel agents were worth using, compared to 33 percent of Gen X’ers and 34 percent of Baby Boomers.

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Millennials also reported they thought as they got older and made more money, they would want to travel more.
To that point, Terrie Hansen, senior vice president of marketing at Virtuoso told Travel Weekly that Baby Boomers are still the ones spending the bucks on travel, saying,
“Our Virtuoso agencies are doing really well with affluent millennials.
But clearly they’re not as big a segment as boomers and matures.”

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Their own research does show millennials are its fastest-growing new client groups. How they plan to get them through their doors and booking will be interesting to see.
Perhaps with offerings of experiences and sustainable travel options?
Time will tell!