
If you’re a parent, you’ll testify in open court that your children always behave, are always attentive, and you’ve never been mad at them in your life, right?

Yeah, right…

Let’s get real, people!

All the moms and dads out there are locked in a fierce battle for control over their households with those kids who seem innocent, but who are waging war against their own moms and dads (not to mention their siblings…).

BUT, that’s just part of the deal when you sign on to be a parent.

You’ll get lots of ups and downs, laughter and tears, and good and bad. But it’s all worth it!

So enjoy these hilarious and accurate tweets from moms and dads.

1. This is gonna be a good song!

I can’t wait to hear the whole thing!

2. Don’t encourage them!

This really isn’t helping.

3. What’s that sound?

Hard to tell these days…

4. Okay, maybe this isn’t a good idea.

Never mind about the independence thing.

5. It’s all true.

They can’t wait to get out of that house.


6. They’re all out. Sorry.

Maybe next time…

7. That sounds…fun.

Good luck with that.

8. Seriously. Stop complaining and start teaching.

Back in my day…

9. You are right!

I see what you did there!

10. What a moment!

Made your day.

11. This is very true.

And all moms know it.

12. They need to get better at this game.

You’re not getting it!

13. It’s very time-consuming.

Just eat it already!

Okay, moms and dads, now we want to hear from you.

Talk to us in the comments and let us know what your kiddos have been up to!

We want to hear all the dirt! Please and thank you!