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The more I look back on my days in high school, the more I just think they were kind of…weird.
I can’t really put my finger on the exact thing that made the whole situation odd, but I guess it’s just a combination of all sorts of things. And I guess that’s bound to happen when you shove more than a thousand crazy teenagers under one roof for seven hours a day.
And no matter where you went to high school and what years you attended, there is definitely something universal about the experience across the board.
And that’s what makes these posts so funny!
Let’s take a look at things that seemed perfectly normal while we were in school but just seem kind of weird when we reminisce about those days.
1. This is pretty true.
Gym teachers…yikes.
2. The popular high schooler.
Many of them peak at that point, too.
It's weird how in high school, "popular" was a personality and it wasn't even really that connected to the actual number of friends a person had. It was more like a genre of high schooler.
— Cliff 🦖 Jerrison (@pervocracy) July 5, 2019
3. No way that’s happening these days.
Time to pound the pavement!
wow little high school me was rly out there running a mile in PE all the time? if you actually asked me to put on a gym uniform and run a mile today I would straight up puke on you
— ellie schnitt (@holy_schnitt) May 29, 2018
4. Hahahaha. Yes! So true!
It could happen any time…any place…
5. He was a real wiseguy.
It was always a boy…just saying…
anyone remember that one kid in elementary school who’s excuse for everything was “it’s a free country”
— Stephen Oscar (@thestephenoscar) December 15, 2017
6. That was great comedy in those days.
Not so much anymore…or is it…?
Do you remember before iPhones when we just used to write 'BOOBLESS' on a calculator and laugh for days?
— Tom Stevens (@TmStvns) September 21, 2012
7. What kind of psycho does this?
Beware of these people.
If you sharpened pencils like this as a kid you defiantly have anger issues as an adult
— Mason City Memories (@Nostalgicmc) November 16, 2017
8. People just loved throwing stuff in toilets.
It was the national pastime of high school kids.
who the FUCK brings a bag of CHOPPED RED ONIONS to school just to throw them in the TOILET i fuckin HATE my school
— hey bestie (@lyxopk) February 10, 2016
9. What a terrible idea that was…
Never again!
Remember 4th grade P.E. when you ran a 5 minute mile in street clothes and then went directly to math?
— Joe Zimmerman (@joezimmerman) April 14, 2020
10. You don’t need to know that stuff!
Here’s the stuff you’ll need in the future.
Me: how do I do my taxes
Public School: shut the fuck up and square dance
— ♥mark magark♥ (@markedly) June 25, 2019
11. Doesn’t matter anymore.
You put that out of your mind years ago.
12. Total insanity.
Whew! I’m glad those days are behind me!
Remember the good old days of high school?
Tell us some of your fondest memories in the comments.
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