A positive attitude is empowering, and one elementary school is using lunchtime to spread a bunch of cheer.

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Stacy Truman has been the cafeteria manager at Virginia Beach’s Kingston Elementary for 9 years. One day, she thought to write messages of encouragement on the bananas. “I do it for my kids at home, so I decided to bring it here because they are like my kids, too,” Truman told TODAY.
The kids ate it up – literally. It’s been going on long enough that the kids and the teachers have a name for Truman’s friendly fruits: “talking bananas.” But her appealing campaign didn’t receive national attention until teachers. and particularly her principal Dr. Shewbridge, began to tweet about the sweet treat.

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People on Twitter went bananas over the idea.

Photo Credit: Twitter

Photo Credit: Twitter

Photo Credit: Twitter
“I shared it on social media because we need more positive messages out there,” Shewbridge told TODAY. “Mrs. Truman is so encouraging and does so much for the students and staff at Kingston.”
We all hope that Mrs. Truman never splits with the kids and her place at Kingston Elementary, and that her bananas keep on talking for a long time coming!