
I don’t know why I love these Photoshopped images so much, but I can’t help myself!

What you’re about to see comes from the mind of a UK-based artist named David Staffell. He uses his crazy-good Photoshop skills to mash up animals and random objects and the results are a whole lot of fun to look at.

And I also think you’re gonna be blown away by how great Staffell is with Photoshop. The editing is flawless and his work really does look like real creatures that came to life.

So feast your eyes on Staffell’s work and get whisked away to another universe…a universe that looks like a lot of fun, by the way.

Let’s get started!

1. Take a bite!

I love this one!


2. The cardinal strawberry.

You don’t see many of these in the wild.


3. This is epic.

Want to take a ride with me?


4. I’ll never look at sausages the same way again.

Just look at that face!


5. The elusive white tiger cone.

Care for a lick?


6. Cuttin’ up the breaded Corgi.

He doesn’t seem to mind.


7. Avocado frog.

Ripe and ready for the picking.


8. Now I’m starving.

I’m a sucker for anything baked-potato-related.


9. Fore! Take your best shot!

This animal will mock you if you blow it.


10. Kitty croissant.

A rare delicacy.


11. Don’t eat me!

It does look pretty good, though…


12. This is obscene!

I see what you did there…


13. Seal Lionana.

Just perfect…


Those are great, don’t you think?

Have you seen anything really impressive or cool online lately?

If so, please tell us about it in the comments.

Thanks in advance!