Sometimes we need a heartwarming social media thread to make us stop and appreciate what a wonderful world we live in. This one will make your heart sing.
Rachel Griffin, a YA novelist, proposed this challenge to followers and it sparked love all around.

Photo Credit: Twitter, @TimesNewRachel
Rachel, it definitely sounds like you have a keeper. Just imagine what he’d say if he saw a hummingbird.
Mind. Blown.
Some of Rachel’s followers chimed in and here are the best 10 Tweets!
10. A little cooking tune
With that sweet booty shake!

Photo Credit: Twitter, @SonjaJorsen
9. Chatting with children
Treat kids with respect is ALWAYS the right policy.

Photo Credit: Twitter, @kateclayborn
8. Inside jokes are the best jokes
To be laughing like this that late in life would be awesome!

Photo Credit: Twitter, @LeslieAllain
7. The cat song
Cat dads are awesome!

Photo Credit: Twitter, @lifeinanutshel
6. Pure of heart and soul and spirit
She’s a big math fan.

Photo Credit: Twitter, @BennyBeans48
5. “I’m the dad”
I mean… that is insanely adorable.

Photo Credit: Twitter, @2TheImp
4. Still BFFs

Photo Credit: Twitter, @aliceblackbooks
3. They do look like they’re wearing little tuxedos
And that waddle? It’s the totes cutest thing ever.

Photo Credit: Twitter, @john60041514
2. Hotdog dogs!
Put some mustard and ketchup on them and DON’T eat them.

Photo Credit: Twitter, @klbh89
1. With you in an emergency
Get ready for ALL the hugs, but I’ve got ALL of them right here.

Photo Credit: Twitter, @Flaminhaystack
For more of “love sharing” check out the Twitter thread.
And… now we want to hear from you!
Which of these really tugged your heart strings? Tell us in the comments!
Thanks, fam!