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Have you ever heard a story that someone told that you thought was total bullshit and then you later found out was true? Something that just totally sounded like a work of fiction, but turned out to be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?
Well, we have a bunch of true stories in this article, so you’re in for a real treat. A Twitter user named Aidan Moher asked fellow tweeters to share a story that sounds made up but is actually 100% true.
This tweet got the ball rolling.
Tell me a story about yourself the sounds like a lie but is absolutely true.
— Aidan Moher (@adribbleofink) January 4, 2020
Let’s see what folks on Twitter had to say…
1. How weird is that?
In college a friend found an ID of a dude over 21 who looked just like me. I used it like a charm for months. Then I went to a club and a bouncer starting asking me what’s my address and birthday and shit. I finally said “dude it’s me” and he replied “no dude, it’s ME”. It was.
— Sweep The Leg (@SweepTheLeg337) January 7, 2020
In college I fell out of my bunk bed and broke both of my legs and one arm. Years later on a date, I made a joke about being clumsy and the dude told me I couldn’t compare to this woman his EMT brother helped once … who fell out of her bunk and broke all the bones. It was me.
— Amanda Nell Edgar (@amandanelledgar) January 7, 2020
3. Hahahaha. That’s amazing.
A few months after my son was born, my now-ex-wife wanted to have some professional photos taken, but we were kinda broke. We appealed to reddit and a very kind couple took pity on us and gifted us a very nice session. One of the photos ended up being the Skeptical Baby meme.
— Dave Thomas (@Hossmania82) January 7, 2020
4. Hello..Ni…
My middle name is literally a fucking typo. My mom had a c section and forgot to write the rest of Nicole due to the drugs, she fell asleep and they took the paperwork, wouldn’t give it back and now my middle name is Ni
— Lil L (@lindsey_ni) January 8, 2020
5. What are the chances?
I moved into the same San Francisco house high on Castro hill where my parents dated and fell in love… completely by coincidence.
— gdtrble (@gdtrble) January 7, 2020
6. The hidden room.
Moved into what we believed was a three bedroom apartment. Discovered a fourth, hidden bedroom—still furnished and filled with the clothes, records, and diaries of a hip art student who had lived there 15 years ago.
— Ignatiy Vishnevetsky (@vishnevetsky) January 7, 2020
7. An eerie coincidence.
My grandfather died the same minute I was born on a different ward in the same hospital. The time on my birth cert matches his death cert.
— James Phelpstead (@Phelpsy78) January 5, 2020
8. Don’t waste my time.
When Taylor Swift was like 12, her father asked me to build her a website (our fathers were friends and I had learned web design). I blew him off because I was busy and while talented for her age, this Taylor girl wasn’t going anywhere…
— Lambgoat (@lambgoat) January 7, 2020
9. One big circle.
Once accidentally kidnapped a drunk man who was trying to get into his own home. Saw him slumped by the road, coaxed him into the cab to ‘take him home safely’ and ignored his slurry protests. Some 30 mins of confusing directions later and we… end up at exactly the same place.
— Sara Spary (@saramayspary) January 7, 2020
10. Money goes round and round.
My girlfriend years ago wrote a quick thank you in a $10 bill for tip and months later that same bill ended up in my hands as change. I still have that bill because of the coincidence.
— Harry Balczak (@lookmahvelous2) January 7, 2020
11. Don’t mess around on Friday the 13th.
I was riding bikes with my daughter on Fri The 13th, & a black cat scurried across the bike path in front of us. My daughter said something about bad luck, and I began to tell her that it was only superstition when a bee flew into my mouth and stung me on the back of my throat.
— Fred. (@freeloosedirt) January 7, 2020
12. And in this room, we have a corpse.
I tried saving myself from the embarrasment of having being caught naked at a house viewing by a realtor and a potential buyer, by pretending to be dead
— Mireille Sillander (@mimesatwork) January 5, 2020
13. Did you see a ghost?
I saw my neighbor lady who had recently been hospitalized walking in her backyard and told her I was glad she was home and feeling better. She smiled at me. When I went inside and told my mom that the lady was home, Mom told me that she’d died at the hospital that morning.
— Laura Kaye (@laurakayeauthor) January 7, 2020
14. This might be the best story of all time.
I met Marlon Brando through an AOL chat room in the early 90s, we became friends, & a few years later, at 3am one nite, in his “Godfather” voice, he called the thief who stole my 1960 pink Rambler to tell him he’d better keep paying me the monthly court-ordered restitution money.
— Amy Alkon (@amyalkon) January 7, 2020
Now, we know a whole bunch of you out there have weird but totally true stories that have happened to you in the past.
Don’t hold out on us, now! Tell us these stories!
My story: I was in a car in Washington, D.C. in 2006 and Barack Obama pulled up next to us at a stoplight. Obama wasn’t President yet, but my friend and I knew who he was because we had read his book. We made small talk with him for a minute at the light and he was super friendly and asked us all kinds of questions and commented on my friend’s Kansas City Royals hat.
Epic story! And totally true.