
I’m willing to give it another shot, but I can report to all of you that I have not enjoyed Ethiopian food the few times I’ve tried it.

But some of my friends think I’m a liar, a psycho, or just plain dumb because of it.

I just didn’t enjoy it, sorry…

But maybe everyone is just pulling a fast one on me?

What food do people only pretend to like?

AskReddit users shared their thoughts on the matter.

1. Local favorites.

“Anything that’s classified as a “local delicacy”.

There’s usually a reason it’s remained local.

And yes, I am Scandinavian, how’d you guess?”

2. Kinda gross.

“Tonic water.

It’s like angry poison water why would anyone drink that on purpose?”

3. Oh, yuck.

“Some of the Jello salads out there.

Green Jello with carrots (and sometimes raisins) is an abomination. Also, whatever the hell my mom used to make with cottage cheese and orange jello.

My family had this weird notion that if you put healthy stuff in Jello that it was a side dish and not a dessert. Nope, you just ruined two foods by making unnatural combinations with them. Mom never did come across a Jello recipe that she thought was a bad idea though.”

4. Family history.


We eat this on Christmas on my dad’s side of the family and everyone h**es how it tastes, but it’s an important part of our family history. His ancestors had to eat it to survive famine, and it’s a way of keeping the memory of their sacrifices alive and showing respect to them.

Having it with a table full of absolutely delightful cooking also serves as a reminder of what we do have, and makes us more aware of what we should be thankful for. We do drown it in mustard and cream sauce though.”

5. Ugh!

“Jellied eels.

S**t flavoured fish wrapped in some nasty gelatinous slime.”

6. Never tried it.

“Gefilte fish.

I refuse to believe anyone under the age of 80 enjoys this food. It’s not normal.”

7. Eat up!


Seriously, it’s intestines sorta cleaned and cooked.

That’s it.”

8. No way.

“Ever hear of hot lettuce?

The s**t smells like a tire fire.”

9. I love ’em!

“Everybody gonna say oysters and even though I love oysters I get what they mean. They’re the texture of a thick loogey.

They taste like saltwater and algae that’s marinated an old piece of discarded bubble gum. But I love them! I love them so much! I love them with horseradish, lemon juice and hot sauces. They’re mostly just a vector for those flavors I guess. But I’d never really argue with a person who h**es on them.

They’re objectively correct. I’ve just eaten so many things at this point, whacked off my taste buds so much, made them numb with fire and acid, that I’ve evolved to some twisted realm of flavor where culinary cenobites make me genuinely enjoy some clearly disgusting meal.”

10. What’s that smell?


The smell of some durian tea from an ex coworker led to everyone in my (then) office thinking there was a gas leak.”

11. What’s the big deal?


Had them.

Nothing thrilling, it’s all about the butter and garlic oil.”

12. Hmmm…


There’s literally a series of adverts made by the company where the whole premise is ‘This s**t tastes so terrible that even the slightest scraping will make you vomit.’

They’re not even pretending anymore. It’s not a food as much as it is an inter-office dare to see just what nasty bulls**t they can convince people to eat.”

13. All of it.

“Everything I eat at Rosh Hashanah.

Chopped liver, gefilte fish, kugel (noodles with cottage cheese and raisins).

Everything is described as an “acquired taste,” which is code for “not good.””

14. A certain taste.

“Liver and pig’s feet.

I eat all types of food.

I eat sushi, caviar, oysters, beef heart, tongue, etc but those two foods in particular have a certain taste that just broadcasts what they are, and it isn’t positive.”

How about you?

What food do you think people only pretend to like?

Share your thoughts with us in the comments!