
Losing a pet can be just as hard as losing a loved one. After all, pets spend so much time with us, and they’re there on both our worst and best days.

One woman is sharing what happened the day that her dog died, and it’s truly wonderful.

Twitter user @LLedgeway shared this incredible story with the world. She described in a brief tweet how her beloved dog had died in her dad’s arms one morning. Later, when @LLedgeway stepped outside for a few minute, she looked up and couldn’t believe her eyes.

She even snapped an incredible photo of what happened:

Wow! Now that is truly amazing. The clouds honestly really do look like her dog — it wasn’t just her imagination.

Almost immediately, her photo struck a chord with people. Other Twitter users began sharing similar experiences and photos:

Here’s another uncanny cloud appearance:

Pets sure leave a pawprint on our hearts, don’t they?

Other people shared other symbols from their pets to let them know how much they cared:

And like this heart-shaped bed:

This story really seems to have resonated with people. It seems many people have lost a very special pet, then looked for some sign that he or she was OK in the afterlife. These good boys and girls who cross the rainbow bridge are letting their humans know they’re doing just fine, chasing rabbits and playing with buckets upon buckets of tennis balls.

Has anything like this ever happened to you, with a pet or otherwise? Have you had any potentially symbolic experiences after the death of a loved one?

We’d love to hear from you!

Let us know in the comments!