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Do millennials get a lot of grief? Yes.
Is some of that criticism warranted? Also yes.
But these youngsters are also getting a lot of unfair hostility for no reason.
I agree that it is funny to make fun of Millennials, but let’s give them a little credit, too, okay?
1. The way it goes
Or does it?
2. Hmmmm
I’m not really a big fan of either, tbh.
3. A metaphor
Boom goes the entitled dynamite!
4. Hahaha
Yeah, they actually DID do that.
5. Truth bomb
Then have them pay you to do it for them! Duh!
6. Ruined all of them
What a damn shame!
7. A constant struggle
8. Nailed it
I mean, f**k it, right?
9. “Can I speak to your manager?”
10. Don’t answer the door
You know there’s a killer on the other side, yeah?
11. Not a sacred cultural institution?
I mean… were they ever? And if so… why? Ugh.
12. Yeah, Janet
Take your coupons, and get the f**k out of here!
Millennials: let’s give ’em a break, okay? They’ve GOT no money, they own NO property and their jobs prospects are NOT good.
So that begs the question… are you a millennial? If so, how are you doing? What’s life like?
Let us know in the comments… because we really, truly care.