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Let’s get wholesome, shall we?
We shall!
And we’re gonna it with wholesome tweets that will really hit the spot and put a smile on your face!
Go ahead and brighten up your day a little bit!
1. This is funny.
Sounds like a good time!
My seat mate on my flight is a 6 year old little girl who started our trip with “I’m going to talk to you randomly so you need to be prepared, ok?”
— Kati Hartwig (@KatiHartwig) August 7, 2021
2. Thanks, Mom.
What a gem!
As a grown-up I’ve learned that all the “Christmas magic” I felt as a kid was really a mom who loved me so damn much.
— Richard Dean (@dad_on_my_feet) December 17, 2019
3. He was listening.
How cute!
A few weeks ago, I tried to literally bore my 3yo to sleep by telling him everything I knew about nuclear and particle physics. It’s a fair bit, it was my speciality once. Every night since then, as he’s falling asleep, his little voice pipes up: “tell me about atoms daddy.”
— Jason Heeris & 1247 others (@detly) September 12, 2019
4. You dominated!
This is hilarious.
Eight years ago I entered the local library’s library card design contest not knowing it was for children and absolutely dominated.
Then they made me accept the award at city hall with the kids I beat. ?
— Trevor Rogers (@trevorgrogers) November 5, 2021
5. Found his calling.
How wholesome!
I knew a guy who sold weed in high school & college. One time he made pot brownies to sell. In the process, he discovered a love for baking. Dude’s a pastry chef now, wears cute aprons.
— Shen Comix ✍️ (@shenanigansen) December 6, 2018
6. A lot of fish out there.
In that great big sea.
If 99% of people find you unattractive, 78,000,000 people still find you attractive.
— Shower Thoughts (@TheWeirdWorld) March 7, 2020
7. That was nice of him.
Guys, take notice.
I was writing alone at a bar and this guy comes up to me, stops at a respectful distance, and says, “just wanted to check on a scale of 1-10 how open you are to talking to a drunk stranger? I’m waiting for friends, but I can totally just leave you alone.” A+, immaculate vibes
— Jini Maxwell (@astroblob) November 7, 2021
8. Keeping you occupied.
That’s nice.
My girlfriend said, “Is there basketball on?” then put on the game and walked away. Two hours later, I’m like what she doing? She’s napping. She put it on to keep my occupied like a toddler.
— Sovsen????? ??? (@SovsenTV) September 3, 2021
9. Good one!
That’s nice work.
One time a customer in Starbucks asked me to help him text this girl he really liked, so he could ask her out. He asked if I wanted to see a photo of her and I said yes (obviously) and he turned the phone round and the camera was facing me. Honestly, best work I’ve ever seen.
— LB™ (@LucyBlaney) December 14, 2019
10. This is true.
The dogs sure love it.
All of our dogs think we quit our jobs to spend more time with them.
All of our cats think we got fired for being the loser they always knew we were.
— Jill Hopkins (@Jillhopkins) April 23, 2020
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