
Hey, folks!

We’re back with another round of funny dog and cat tweets that we believe are going to make your day a little bit brighter.

You’ll smile, you’ll laugh, heck, you might even cry.

And if you do cry, don’t be embarrassed: just let it all out!

Dive in now!

1. All the time!

Is that weird…?

2. Are you trying to turn into a cat?

It sure sounds like it…

3. Quinn the Cat strikes again.

I like this version of the song.

4. The best tweet you’ll see for a long time!

I love it!

5. I’m into this idea.

Thoughts about this?

6. Seriously. What are you waiting for?!?!

Don’t you want to have this in your life?

7. Over and over again.

Still not getting it, are they?

8. Riddle me this…

Doesn’t make much sense.

9. Thanks for this!

The more you know…

10. Really pushy.

Lay off of me!

11. I’ve seen this before…

They’re gonna do what they wanna do…

Now we want to hear from you.

Share some photos of your pets with us!

Do it in the comments!