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Kids say the darndest things!
You know that’s the truth!
And today we’re gonna see the PROOF!
Check out these tweets.
1. Some mommy sandwich.
Sounds good!
My 2 year old can say “parasaurolophus”, but he pronounces salami “some-mommy”.
— HotCrossMom (@ChrissySteel3) June 25, 2021
2. I like that better.
What do you think?
My daughter calls David Grohl’s band the Foo Spiders
— Matt Taylor (@Ascension_Matt) January 17, 2022
3. Is that today’s special?
I see…
Hats off to the waiter that kept a straight face as my 5yo ordered the vagina for lunch instead of the lasagna.
— Professional Worrier (@pro_worrier_) June 22, 2021
4. Doesn’t sound appetizing.
But I’d still give it a shot.
Toddler calls oatmeal “meatmeal.” We all find this funny and slightly disgusting.
— ?Haley Stewart? (@HaleyCarrots) January 2, 2022
5. Farmer John cheese.
Not bad!
Kids mispronouncing things is super adorable but at some point I will have to tell my daughter we don’t put Farmer John cheese on spaghetti.
— Simon Holland (@simoncholland) June 19, 2020
6. Started the year on the wrong foot.
Hopefully it got better!
My 6 y/o is learning about different states, but instead of saying New Hampshire he keeps calling it New Hamster. Now my 4 y/o is whining because I told him we are not getting a hamster & my Dry January ended after 4 days.
— A Bearer Of Dad News (@HomeWithPeanut) January 5, 2022
7. Sounds like a cereal.
Or something…
My daughter calls Netflix “Netflakes.”
— Abbi Crutchfield (@curlycomedy) January 1, 2022
8. Whatever you say!
I’m on board with that!
me: but I’m tired
2: let’s do a popsicle course!
me: I could handle that
— mom mom mom mom mom (@notmythirdrodeo) January 18, 2022
9. Just let it go.
I like both of these!
Couple of new words I learned so far on this vacation… my son calls a loofa a scrubby dubby, and my niece calls gummy bears yummy bears. I’m not even gonna correct them.
— Dad Named Matt ?? (@mahnamematt) February 7, 2022
10. The last one is a bummer.
So picky.
I love when kids rename things. For example, my kids call snacks “nackies” and granola bars “nolas” and homemade meals “do we have anything else to eat”
— Jessie (@mommajessiec) February 11, 2022
11. Don’t say that!
Uh oh…
I don’t miss tantrums or diapers but I do miss the toddler speech blunders like how my son used to mispronounce bridges.
Once we drove under a bridge and he said, “Mommy a bitch again?”
— Anna Grace (@graceupongracie) June 27, 2018
Do your kids do this?
If so, tell us all about it in the comments.
Thanks a lot!