
Kids say the darndest things!

You know that’s the truth!

And today we’re gonna see the PROOF!

Check out these tweets.

1. Some mommy sandwich.

Sounds good!

2. I like that better.

What do you think?

3. Is that today’s special?

I see…

4. Doesn’t sound appetizing.

But I’d still give it a shot.

5. Farmer John cheese.

Not bad!

6. Started the year on the wrong foot.

Hopefully it got better!

7. Sounds like a cereal.

Or something…

8. Whatever you say!

I’m on board with that!

9. Just let it go.

I like both of these!

10. The last one is a bummer.

So picky.

11. Don’t say that!

Uh oh…

Do your kids do this?

If so, tell us all about it in the comments.

Thanks a lot!