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What were you afraid of when you were a kid?
The dark? Spiders? The creepy black van that used to cruise around your neighborhood at night?
That last one was what I was scared of growing up…and I never figured out who was behind the wheel…
Anyway, enjoy these funny tweets from people who admitted what they were afraid of when they were growing up.
1. Me, too!
Didn’t work out that way…
as a child i really thought the bermuda triangle was going to pose a lot more problems for me than it actually has
— THOT PATROL (@thotdem0n) June 23, 2020
2. Watch out for quick sand!
This was a classic.
For those of us a certain age, it seems inconceivable now how much of our youth was spent fixated on quick sand and what to do if caught in it. What was that about? Did it go away? Was just explaining it to a kid and he thinks we were all on drugs. Were we? It was huge deal then.
— Juliette Kayyem (@juliettekayyem) September 21, 2021
3. I did not…
Very interesting, though…
Did anyone else have an irrational fear of Venus flytraps as a kid or were you normal ?
— Mike (@michael_mascia) September 18, 2020
4. Sharks in pools!
Don’t get in the water!
My irrational childhood fear
— milk (@miilkkk) June 3, 2013
5. Didn’t happen.
Who knew?
Contrary to childhood education, falling anvils, pianos, and safes have not been a significant danger in my life.
— Eugenio Perea (@eperea) August 31, 2015
6. You might explode.
That was close!
My health anxiety is quite bad at the moment but at least I no longer have the constant fear of spontaneous combustion which took up a significant part of my childhood.
— Charlotte Levin (@tinycharlotte72) November 26, 2021
7. Here we go again…
It never ends.
Question for 80s babies: did y’all have an irrational fear of quicksand? Where did it come from? Why was it in so many television shows? Where can one even find quicksand?
— damita jo (@KiaSpeaks) May 19, 2020
8. That’s pretty scary!
Hang on tight!
— Fill Werrell (@FillWerrell) January 15, 2013
9. Haven’t seen one yet.
There’s still time…
I think my childhood fear of piranhas might have been a bit overblown because they haven’t really featured as much in my life as I thought they would. And by as much I mean, not at all.
— Jayne Manfredi (@TheWomanfredi) January 18, 2022
10. I saw Poltergeist too many times.
That clown!
I still have my childhood fear of being afraid to leave one foot off the bed because I feel like something is going to grab it
— Shelby Hawkins (@shortgangmafia) January 24, 2015
11. Creepy stuff!
Stranger danger!
Anyone else as spooked as I was reading The Face on the Milk Carton as a kid?
— alyssa moore (@yrgod) August 24, 2020
What were your funny childhood fears?
Talk to us in the comments and let us know.
Thanks in advance!