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Oh, parents, what would we do without you?
I’ll tell you what: we’d do nothing because we’d be totally lost!
You know that’s the truth!
So what do you say we enjoy some funny tweets about the ups and downs of tweets to honor them!
1. Run for it!
This is great parenting.
There’s no such thing as monsters I tell my kid as I turn out his light and run the fuck down the hall
— Mom Jeans (@momjeansplease) March 3, 2022
2. Come on, Mom!
Get it together.
I was having problems with my work computer so I called my IT guy and he was like, “You really need to stop calling me when I’m at school, Mom.”
— Jessie (@mommajessiec) March 3, 2022
3. Poor thing.
I hope she gets over it…
thoughts and prayers for my daughter who misunderstood evolution and is now mourning that she didn’t morph from a kitten
— That Mom Tho (@mom_tho) March 2, 2022
4. No coming back.
That’s the way it is now.
Tried to complain to my mom about the difficulties of raising a stubborn child and her eyes rolled so far back in her head I don’t think they’re ever coming back
— Katie D (@KatieDeal99) February 24, 2022
5. Funny how that works.
It’s mind-blowing.
the greatest phenomenon in parenting is how there are 18 hours between dinner and bedtime
— That Mom Tho (@mom_tho) February 23, 2022
6. What’s that doing in there?
She has eagle eyes.
My daughter can’t find her glasses, her shoes, or her backpack, but she can spot a sliver of onion in a bowl of rice from 10 feet away.
— Stephanie Ortiz (@Six_Pack_Mom) February 24, 2022
7. You get it…
The way it goes.
A good dad earns his stripes early by learning the baby’s cues. Like that cry they make while taking a bottle means they want their mommy. And that cry when they can’t sleep means they want their mommy. And that cry … you get the point.
— NicholasG (@Dad_At_Law) February 24, 2022
8. Now we’re talking!
That’ll work!
the day I’ve longed for since the FIRST DAY I became a parent is finally here!!!my daughter is old enough to go get me stuff from the other room
— ely kreimendahl (@ElyKreimendahl) February 19, 2022
9. This is good.
A chip off the old block.
My oldest child was 6 months old when the pandemic started and he’s 2 and a half now which means he’s been effectively quarantined with me his entire sentient life so it’s my fault his go-to expression when he sees something that pleases him is “Ugh I am loving that!”
— Bess Kalb (@bessbell) February 19, 2022
10. Neither is good…
If we’re being honest.
There are two types of mom friends: those who text after 8 PM and those who text before 8 AM.
— Jessie (@mommajessiec) February 21, 2022
How’s it going in your household?
Spit some truth at us in the comments!
Thanks a lot!