
Oh, parents, what would we do without you?

I’ll tell you what: we’d do nothing because we’d be totally lost!

You know that’s the truth!

So what do you say we enjoy some funny tweets about the ups and downs of tweets to honor them!

1. Run for it!

This is great parenting.

2. Come on, Mom!

Get it together.

3. Poor thing.

I hope she gets over it…

4. No coming back.

That’s the way it is now.

5. Funny how that works.

It’s mind-blowing.

6. What’s that doing in there?

She has eagle eyes.

7. You get it…

The way it goes.

8. Now we’re talking!

That’ll work!

9. This is good.

A chip off the old block.

10. Neither is good…

If we’re being honest.

How’s it going in your household?

Spit some truth at us in the comments!

Thanks a lot!