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Don’t you just love it when a tweet is so funny that can actually sink your teeth into it?
It never gets old!
Today is your lucky day because we have 11 tweets that are HILARIOUS.
Bon appétit!
1. Good question…
This kid is smart.
5 year old nephew: “Uncle Mike why you don’t gotta wife?”
Me: “I’m gay.”
Nephew: “What that mean?”
Me: “It means like like men not women.”
Nephew: “So why don’t you have a husband?”
— The Last ? (@LikeMike_911) June 3, 2021
2. What’s the point?
Might as well just stay home.
this exactly how planning shit with my friends goes
— colton (@coltondoe) March 15, 2021
3. Going back and forth.
We all do this…
It’s crazy that somedays I tweeze my eyebrows, shave, put in my contacts, blow dry my hair, pay my credit card bill before it’s due, eat salad with dressing on the side & go to a workout class & then somedays it’s like…what’s the point of a shower who even cares give me potatoes
— Chris Burns | Fat Carrie Bradshaw (@fatcarriebshaw) March 8, 2022
4. Never, ever.
Now you know…
Has anyone sincerely thought “oh, good a musical episode” when watching a non-musical show?
— Kittenfish? (@Kittenfish817) March 9, 2022
5. A legend.
You’ll get there someday…
I was the only one who would bake with my grandmother. When she died she left her best recipe to everyone except she deliberately left out a crucial step as payback. That’s the level of petty I aspire to.
— Betty (@BoomBoomBetty) February 4, 2019
6. This is how social media works.
You nailed it!
instagram: look at my new boyfriend
twitter: I can’t get a boyfriend
reddit: my [21F] boyfriend [53M] boyfriend forbids me from going into the basement and has a sock drawer full of missing women’s driver’s licenses, AITA for being uncomfortable? the wedding is in three hours
— Janel Comeau (@VeryBadLlama) August 3, 2021
7. This is a brilliant idea.
Why didn’t I think of this?
Why don’t they just make the Tupperware spaghetti colored right there at the factory
— Ygrene™ (@Ygrene) August 5, 2021
8. That’s VERY weird.
Who does that?
Got invited to someone’s place for dinner and they charged me for it….this is weird, right?
— Amber Nelson (@AmberSmelson) March 10, 2022
9. Good job!
Showed him.
at the gym, a person with huge biceps and loud voice started talking about playing RDR2 for the first time, I said it was one of my favorite games and this person did that thing I haven’t seen since 2009 and asked “YOU play video games? *scoff smirk*”
So I told him the ending
— Ellinor | | ???? (@ellidilorenzo) March 9, 2022
10. Doesn’t seem fair.
What’s the world coming to?
friendship breakups are wild cus damn. u gave ole boy 45 chances but me? i’m done cus i ain’t come to the cheesecake factory? ok.
— ari (@ohthatslilari) March 7, 2022
11. Thanks for the jacket.
Well, that was nice!
When I was 17 I tore my pants hopping over Rockies stadium fence and then cried in the rain on the curbside and a nice man thought I was homeless and gave me his coat jacket to keep.
— Shannan mcardle (@ShannanMcardle) January 18, 2019
Have you seen any funny tweets?
Well, don’t keep them to yourself!
Share them with us in the comments. Thanks!