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As someone who is now in their fourth decade of life, let me fill you in on something…getting older is a drag.
But one of the best things you can do is to just keep moving forward and you gotta have a good sense of humor.
Are you ready for a funny dose of reality?
Check out these tweets about getting older!
1. You need to stretch.
Or you need a hip replacement.
I sneezed while reclined and I think I need a new hip
— Midge (@mxmclain) November 15, 2021
2. You’re not partying.
No way…
Welcome to your 40s: it’s time to party! just kidding see you at HomeGoods later.
— Not Today Eric (@NotTodayEric) November 12, 2021
3. How things change…
Where’d that spark go?
In college, it’d be like meh let’s drive to New Orleans, we’re already out.
Tonight, it was meh let’s get a flu shot, we’re already out.
? Party on monsters?— pity party planner (@BerbenKatie) November 18, 2021
4. It sure is…
No way around it, though…
It’s kinda weird being the same age as old people.
— Uncle Bob (@UncleBob56) November 16, 2021
5. We’ll see how it goes.
This is very accurate…
People used to call to hang out and I’d be on my way there in five minutes. Now it’s like, “What are you up to in June?”
— Henpecked Hal (@HenpeckedHal) November 18, 2021
6. I’ll be in bed at 7:30 tonight.
After my bath.
One of the most disappointing aspects of getting old is realizing that the only way to get extra sleep is to go to bed earlier
— Dad and Buried (@DadandBuried) November 17, 2021
7. You’re wild and crazy!
What happened to us?
Pulling an all-nighter after 40 is not having to get up once during the night to pee.
— Dan Regan (@Social_Mime) November 17, 2021
8. Put some clothes on!
You’re gonna catch a cold!
You know you’re getting old when you look at 18 year old girls out on the town and think, gees aren’t they cold?
— Lisa Mila (@milamiarose) July 10, 2021
9. The sad truth.
A lot of alone time.
People in sitcoms are always meeting up for lunch, hanging out in the park, going to the gym together, taking cooking classes…as if adult life wasn’t 99% being alone and tired…
— Emily Murnane (@emily_murnane) November 16, 2021
10. Two choices.
There’s no in-between.
adulthood means choosing between being chronically dehydrated or peeing every twelve minutes
— Adam (@adamgreattweet) November 15, 2021
11. Wayyyy back in the day.
Back off!
Don’t mess with me kids, I was born in the 1900s, I’ve seen some shit
— Cats Against Humanity™ (@CatsVsHumanity) November 16, 2021
How do you feel about getting older?
Talk to us in the comments and let us know.
Please and thank you!