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Be straight with us…
Your children are perfect every second of every day and they never do anything whatsoever to get on your nerves, right?
Yeah, right!
I bet you couldn’t even say that without laughing, could you?
Well, now that we have that BS out of the way, enjoy these funny tweets from moms who know what’s up when it comes to raising those little angels/devils.
1. You’re a weirdo!
Well, that wasn’t nice…
My 6yo is currently angry at her father because he “married a weird wife.”
— Laura Marie (@lmegordon) January 2, 2022
2. Parents, is this true?
Sounds about right to me.
The problem with kids is that you’re physically ready to have them at 20 and only mentally ready at 40
— Real Life Mommy (@reallifemommy3) December 5, 2021
3. Gutter sucker.
I’m gonna start using that.
My daughter is mad that I won’t let her eat the icicles hanging off of our house like I’m some kind of monster for denying her a gutter sucker.
— Rhyming Mama (@sarabellab123) January 8, 2022
4. Every night on repeat.
It never changes…
Parenting is about lovingly tucking your kids into bed at night and still waking up with a small foot on your face.
— AparnaRC (@Wordesse) September 14, 2021
5. That’s nice, honey.
Glad you’re all on the same page.
My 6 year old was quietly eating his cereal when he paused and said to no one, ‘I hope my sister isn’t a criminal when she grows up,’ and I feel like he summed up my parenting goals nicely.
— Mama Needs A Coke (@MamaNeedsACoke) January 13, 2022
6. She has bad timing.
And she’s clearly not paying attention.
[being murdered]
My daughter: hey could you give me a ride to my friends house real quick first
— Sweet Momissa (@sweetmomissa) December 29, 2021
7. Hey o! Get crazy!
This is WILD.
My kids are out of town so I’m going to get wild and drink my coffee while it’s still hot.
— kristabellerina (@kristabellerina) December 29, 2021
8. It could be a hit.
You need to record it!
If my kids wrote a song it would be called “mom!” Just one word. In a round.
— (@LMemeit) January 4, 2022
9. Maybe someday…
Good luck to you.
One day I’ll be a mom who gets all of the laundry washed, dried & folded all in the same day. But not today. Definitely not tomorrow either.
— MomTransparenting (@momtransparent1) April 19, 2021
10. You’ve been through a lot.
Especially the musical theater part.
My daughter has auburn hair, ADHD, and does musical theater. You can’t possibly scare me.
— Stabbatha Christy (@LoveNLunchmeat) January 9, 2022
11. I thought it would totally work.
Back to the drawing board.
Yelling “UNSUBSCRIBE” at your kid doesn’t work as well as you would think.
— Marissa ?? (@michimama75) January 13, 2022
Now we want to hear from you.
In the comments, tell us some funny stuff about your kids.
Thanks a lot!