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Our pets are our family members, right?
Damn right!
And even though we love them like our children, they can drive us nuts sometimes.
But, at the end of the day, we stand with them through thick and thin. Enjoy these hilarious memes about our furry little friends.
1. Am I invading your space?
2. A bad move.
3. That’s better!
4. I’d join this gang.
5. Uh oh…we’re in trouble.
6. This is my turf.
7. What to do?
8. Yes, they are.
9. Haven’t figured it out yet.
10. Open your mouth!
11. I’m impressed.
12. This is clearly not a dog.
Those are hilarious!
Now we want to meet your pets!
Share some photos in the comments and tell us a little bit about your best friends!