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People often say that we don’t deserve dogs, but I’m not sure we fully appreciate just how true that is.
When I look around at the world right now or listen to the news, I will legitimately often have the thought “I’m really glad dogs don’t understand what we’re up to.” If they did, they’d be appalled. They’re far too loving and perfect to tolerate the depths of human nonsense.
On the other hand, their love is so unconditional that perhaps they’d still be there for us even if they knew the depths of our dumb.
Either way, I sure am glad dogs are around. Here are some memes about ’em.
12. Happiness hole
Hello from the other side.
11. So sweet
Not quite a chocolate lab, but I’ll take it.
10. High art
Why have you betrayed me so?
9. Breaking news
But…but we look so much alike!
8. Dog day afternoon
Psh. He’s got a hot tub, what’s he complaining about?
7. The chosen one
There is no higher honor in this life.
6. The zooms
Finally, I have escaped all that damned perfection.
5. Lookalikes
Wait, which one is which?
4. Call of the wild
He just wants attention, poor pupper.
3. Drama queen
Honestly, I’m the same way.
2. A changed world
Gettin’ the heck outta doggo jail.
1. On guard
They discovered his one weakness…tummy rubs.
We may not deserve dogs, but their presence in our lives in one injustice I’m perfectly content to keep around.
What’s your favorite thing about your dog?
Tell us in the comments.